What You Need to Be on The Hunt For in a Content Marketing Manager

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What exactly does a content marketing manager do? Essentially, their job boils down to two vital roles: uncovering and understanding a target audience’s needs as well as crafting targeted content that conveys a value proposition, ultimately connecting the potential customer with the product or service that will solve their need. Now that we know what a marketing manager should be able to achieve, so let’s take a look at six personality traits that content marketing managers should ideally possess:

They’re problem solvers

A content marketing manager should be able to think on their feet, and come up with effective resolutions strategies to problems on the fly. The more exposure a brand gets, the more it opens itself to criticism from the online community. An excellent marketing manager knows how to deal with stumbling blocks, and can turn any negative outcome into an opportunity with ease.

They have an eye for detail

Whether it’s copywriting, graphic design or videography, mistakes always find a way of creeping in without being noticed immediately. The content marketing manager should possess the skills to spot errors, and should not allow a piece of content to be published until it is perfect. Attention to detail is the difference between average and excellent content.

They love to learn things

Digital marketing is far from static in nature, with new trends and technologies entering the market almost on a monthly basis. The only way a content marketing manager can ensure the brands they represent remain relevant, is by continuing to have a finger on the pulse of the industry that they are playing in, and ensuring that they are learning new and innovative ways to deliver excellent content to their audiences.

They’re excellent leaders

Content marketing managers are no different than any other managers. A great content marketing manager needs to be a people’s person, and should have the ability to communicate clearly and concisely to a team of people who might all have differing personalities. This requires a content marketing manager to possess both hard and soft skills.

They never give up

Not all content marketing campaigns go viral, and an excellent content marketing manager knows this well. A fundamental trait to look for in a leader of a content marketing department is persistence. This is the ability to keep at it, and grow from strength to strength by learning from past mistakes and having a positive outlook for future campaigns.

They’re emotionally intelligent

An excellent content marketing manager, like any manager, is able to remove emotion from situations that require dealing with internal strife. They do not get heated in the moment, and won’t take things personally. However, their job is to ensure that a content marketing team performs at the best of its ability, and know when to soften their approach in order to handle sensitive workplace issues.

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Think you’d be a great content marketing manager? You have the personality for it, now secure a qualification to make you the ideal candidate for any marketing management position, with our accredited marketing management course. Browse all of our Digital School of Marketing qualifications by visiting our digital marketing courses page!

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