
What is visual content marketing?

DSM Digital School of Marketing - content marketing

Content is the supreme king in the world of digital marketing as written words still rule today. However, a content marketing trend which has become so mainstream that it’s hard to ignore its value. This is visual content marketing.

It is no wonder that Facebook as well as YouTube are the most talked-about social networks worldwide. Instagram, Tumblr in addition to Pinterest are also catching up to their competitors nicely. Visual elements such as images as well as videos are dominating these social media channels, with some of them acquiring viral attention.

All-text-without-visuals content marketing is a marketing strategy that is no longer used. Visuals reign supreme in content marketing these day. For your campaigns to remain relevant to the times in addition to your audience’s ever-changing needs, you need to juice them up with the correct mix of text in addition to visuals.

So what, exactly, is visual content marketing?

The term ‘visual content marketing’ refers to the use of images in order to convey valuable information in a visual format which is engaging. The purpose of this type of content marketing is to attract people to your website, your cause or your offers.

Examples of visual content marketing examples include:

  • Images with educational or inspiring text,
  • Infographics, and
  • “Signature branded images” which promote written, audio, or video content.

When you contemplate that 65% of individuals are visual learners, 90% of data which comes to the brain is visual as well as that presentations with visual aides are 43% more likely to persuade it makes sense to use content types which people have an innate psychological resonance with.

Here are some more stats to prove how effective visual content marketing is:

  • Eyes can process around 36 000 visual messages every hour.
  • The sense of scene which is visual can be gained in less than one-tenth of a second.

Your brain processes visuals 60,000 times faster than any text

How to implementing a visual content marketing strategy

Every kind of visual that is included in your content is not the same. Thus it stands to reason that they won’t work in the same manner. Visuals are only effective when these are made use of in the correct place. Adding a stock photo to your social media posts, for example, won’t work these days because these need to be more engaging than that. Here are several techniques that can assist visuals in your content to be effective.

Include a featured image

Each time that you post a blog include an image at the beginning. Preferably use a relevant image which links to the topic of the article. Try to include the same image in the snippet section of your site’s main page because these visuals draw eyes onto your content and increase engagement. Ensure that they are accompanied by words which let people know what the article is about.

Utilise a variety of visuals

There remains a broad misconception among many digital marketers that images are the only visual element which can be included alongside text. However, it is now much easier to use other forms of visual content and this gives you more choices no matter what your budget is. This means that it is possible for to use trends which are big right now. These include:

  • 3D charts and graphs,
  • Stock images,
  • Custom-made images,
  • Infographics,
  • Cartoons,
  • Memes, and
  • Embedded tweets/Instagram or Facebook photos/videos.

Alternating the visuals which use can:

  • Make all of your content more effective,
  • Give you more assets in order to share across other platforms, and
  • Increase total engagement.

In addition to this, various types of visual content can ensure that your website looks updated without needing to revamp it entirely

Exploit social media

Social media networks have never had such a huge effect on the manner in which a company interacts with its audience as it does currently. Not only is social media a fantastic way to enhance awareness of, as well as improve engagement, with your brand however social media is also one of the platforms which gets the best results from visual content.

Get in touch with the Digital School of Marketing

Want to discover more regarding content marketing and how it can work for your business? If you do then you need to study our Digital Copywriting and Content Marketing Course. For more information, please follow this link.

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