
What does ‘repurposing content’ mean?

DSM Digital School of Marketing - repurposing content

Repurposing your existing content is like renovating your (now adult) children’s old bedrooms and turning them into a study. You’re breathing new life into something that is still useful but could provide more value with a few changes and a makeover.

Various content types hold an appeal for different audiences. Some people choose visuals while others take pleasure in reading a detailed blog post. Altering one piece of content into a different type may allow it to be consumed by a greater portion of your target market.

Refreshing your content may also encourage more traffic from Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) – or social media – if you update it with more current information. You are now more likely to know more as opposed to when the content was first created. This means that you can add to it as well as make it more relevant for your audience.

Audit all your content

Use Google Sheets and have a list of every blog post, podcast, and video that you’ve ever produced.  Identify which pieces are evergreen. Literally, flag them and note that it is easy to repurpose the content.

Check your data:

  • Is there a piece of content which was produced that receives a lot of organic traffic or that received a good reception once it was originally published? Flag it as something which needs to be repurposed

Start drafting the supporting content:

  • Have a secondary tab on your sheet which lists all the tweets, Facebook posts as well as LinkedIn posts that are associated with each specific content piece

Pinpoint which social media tool you want to make use in order to automate the process. There are literally hundreds of options that you can use to automate your social media.  Choose one to make your life easier and take one thing off your plate.

Continue to produced evergreen content

Carry on producing evergreen content which is of interest to your audience. The fact that you have set the system on autopilot does not mean you can stop producing content. The reality is that your content will become stale before you know it. You need to keep feeding the machine new content and consider tweaking the repurposed content occasionally as well.

Here are some examples of evergreen content to stimulate your creative juices!

eBooks or guides

By putting several thematically linked posts together, you can build a more powerful resource for your readers. You could take these blog posts, edit them slightly for continuity, and design “A Complete Guide to X”. This genre of guide or eBook makes an exceptional content upgrade, assists with positioning you as an authority, and can also help you in generating leads online.


It is possible for you to extract points from a blog post and convert these into a visual, succinct and shareable medium. It’s an efficient way in order to reach a wider audience on more visual social media platforms such as Instagram or Pinterest.

Newsletter Material

Combine your blog posts into your email newsletter. Your email list doesn’t automatically see every post you publish. This means that you can repurpose your blog post images in your newsletter, which can generate continuity among your various content avenues. It’s also an efficient place to link back to suitable blog posts.

Create a Slide Deck and Upload To SlideShare

Turn your content into a slide presentation. Upload it to sites such as SlideShare. The site allows you to search through slide decks both by topic as well as user. This gives uploaders the benefit of a channel-like frame.

Content is an important factor of any digital marketing strategy. You utilise it in order to show your expertise, express your brand voice, attract as well as keep website visitors who resonate with.

Get in touch with the Digital School of Marketing

Want to learn about more ways in which you can repurpose the content that you create? If so, then you should really do a content marketing course such as the one that we offer. Read more here.

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