The Difference Between A Content Strategy And Content Marketing

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New to the concept of “content” and you’re trying to gain some clarity? It’s a word that’s been thrown around a lot in recent years, and there’s a reason for this: it’s pretty important. So, let’s answer the question in short. The difference between content strategy versus content marketing is this: Where content strategy is the overall plan of your content promotion, content marketing is the process of promoting the content. This article offers questions every business should ask when building a content strategy and a few kinds of content that can be used as part of content marketing campaigns.

Content Strategy

  • Why Are You Creating Content?

    A content strategy should be founded on a specific purpose, or reason for going about the content development. Are you hoping to solve a problem in your customer’s life with your content? Do you want to build brand recognition with highly shareable content?


  • Who Are The Content Creators?

    Content strategies should include information on who will be handling the content marketing – from top to bottom. Who will do the graphic design, or copywriting, or posting of the content to readers?

  • What Content Will Be Created?

    Another conundrum that should be ironed out in a content strategy is the types of content that will be shared. Blog articles? Infographics? E-books? Responding to this question will help you find out which content creators you need to source.


  • Where Will The Content Be Shared?

    A content strategy can include information on the specific channels where content will be shared. Is it a social media campaign, or perhaps just bulk email? Perhaps it’s an integrated content marketing campaign, spread across multiple promotional channels.

Content Marketing

  • Blog Articles

    These are pieces of digital content usually loaded onto a website’s blog page, or a stand-alone blog website. Usually used to educate readers on a specific area of the industry, blog articles can be shared across multiple online channels, and contribute to website traffic when managed effectively.

  • E-Books

    Content should inform readers, the degree to which is determined by you. For in-depth topics, e-books are an excellent choice. They are usually downloadable in PDF format, and offer brand followers true value – often completely gratis, which some might argue builds brand loyalty.


  • Infographics

    How do we cram lots of technical information into an easy-to-understand, bite-sized format? Infographics. These are usually creatively designed and simplify complex ideas for easier comprehension.

  • Mailers

    Another content type is the mailer, sent via email to an often large database of email addresses. GDPR aside, email marketing is still a great way to reach out to customers directly, sharing content that will hopefully add value to their lives and the brand-customer relationship.

Now that you know how content marketing fits into an overall content strategy, the next step is to learn everything else there is to successful content marketing.

Get in touch with the Digital School of Marketing

Have a look at our Copywriting & Content Marketing course – one of many digital marketing qualifications we offer here at the Digital School of Marketing. Want to find out more about our fees and process? Connect with us here.

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