The Complete Guide To SEO Copywriting. Read more in this article.

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SEO copywriting is both a key element, as well as a big challenge, in every single SEO strategy. As search engines are crawling web pages, the content of your website needs to be finely tuned to the – ever-changing – algorithms of search engines. As well as that, you should write clearly so that your audience both enjoys and understands your website. After all, we know that readability ranks.

How to Plan, Create & Format SEO Content Which Ranks in Google

If you’re going to create high-quality SEO copywriting, you need to do some preparation work before you jump into the writing process. There’s a very delicate balance between writing for Google and then writing for humans.

If you write exclusively for Google, your writing will be stiff, in addition to repetitive, as you slip your keywords in – word-for-word – at every opportunity. That’s not how humans speak naturally. If you write exclusively for your audience without any consideration for Google, your content probably won’t rank well as you aren’t drawing enough attention to your targeted keywords.

However, if you write with both Google and your human audience in mind you’ll achieve maximum SEO potential.

Before Writing: Always Begin With Keyword Research

The very first step of SEO copywriting has little to do with writing. First, you need to decide what you’re going to write about. Which topics do you want to be found for? You’ll need to use the keywords you want to rank for in your copy, so the first step of SEO copywriting is keyword research. Keyword research is what you do in order to list the keywords and key phrases for which you want to rank for.

SERP Intent

Search engine results page (SERP) intent – also sometimes referred to as search intent – puts topics and keywords into perspective based on the reason why someone is searching for a specific keyword on Google as well as how they intend to make use of the information. /00Understanding search intent will give you the opportunity to properly target your intended audience based on their motives for utilising a search engine.

For instance, let’s say we’re targeting [best pizza] as a keyword. What is your audience really looking for?

  • The top local pizza restaurant with outdoor dining?
  • The top pizza recipe to make at home?
  • The top pizza delivery service?
  • The top pizza toppings?

If you’re targeting [top pizza] from the point of view of a local pizzeria offering dine-in, takeout, and delivery, you’ll want your website content to be for individuals in the area searching for places to eat and not people who are searching for online recipes.

Really knowing the search intent that is behind your keywords is just as crucial as the keywords themselves so you are able to tailor your content to the needs as well as expectations of your audience.

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