The considerations you need to remember for mobile marketing

DSM Digital School of Marketing - mobile marketing considerations

Mobile phones are everywhere. See that person walking past your house? They almost certainly have a mobile device in their pocket! With so many of us using mobile devices (like phones and tablets) every single day, mobile marketing was an inevitable next step for the marketing industry. People use their mobile phones in a different manner than when they’re on their laptop or desktop computer – which means marketing professionals have to adapt their approach accordingly. This article offers 3 considerations to keep in mind when marketing on mobile, and a few tips on how to rock your mobile marketing in 2020:

Mobile Marketing Considerations

  1. Size matters

    People consume marketing content on their phones, on tablets, on laptops, PCs, and even their watches (what a time to be alive!). If mobile marketing ads aren’t dynamic in their ability to adapt to different screen sizes, they’ll most likely fail to hit the mark.

  2. Integration

    Mobile devices embody integration, and so should mobile marketing campaigns. By integrating other elements of the marketing mix with mobile, users will have consistent brand experiences at every touch point of the campaign.

  3. Timing is key

    We spend a lot of time on our mobile phones, but we’re not always plugged into the same channels. For example, many of us don’t look at social media until we get home from work. Half of mobile marketing success is knowing when to advertise and when not to.

How to rock mobile marketing

  • Leverage responsive design when building ads and crafting marketing content. Re-designing every advert for different screen sizes will take a lifetime. With responsive ads, you don’t have to at all. Google Ads allows marketers to effortlessly construct responsive PPC adverts simply by uploading a logo, a sample graphic, and text.
  • Integration should occur on the macro-marketing level but can also be focused on strictly mobile marketing. For example, your mobile marketing content can lead to a WhatsApp message, then to an accelerated mobile page (AMP), and then to a confirmation email, etc. All of these interactions should be possible on mobile phones.
  • Brainstorming audience and target market personas is critical to mobile marketing success. As yourself: who is my ideal customer? How old are they? Which mobile apps might they use? When do they browse the Internet and for what? This way, you’ll get a picture of where and when you should be facilitating your mobile marketing.

Mobile marketing offers higher click-through rates than desktop, and with so many people constantly on their mobile devices – mobile marketing has gone from a ‘nice-to-have’ in the marketing mix, to a ‘must-have’.

Get in touch with the Digital School of Marketing

With our Advanced Digital Marketing Course, you’ll learn how to craft engaging mobile advertising campaigns, and grow your overall marketing expertise!

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