How Can You Motivate A Marketing Team? Learn more in this article.

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Every successful business leader will testify to the fact that marketing is the lifeblood of any organisation. This then raises the question of the reason why the role of marketing is so often overlooked as well as under-appreciated in its importance to the success of an organisation. This is a good reason to invest some time and effort into developing an efficient and competent marketing team.

A vital point to keep in mind is that the marketing team’s motivation does not come directly from a marketing manager. Instead, a marketing manager creates an environment which encourages the marketing team to motivate themselves.

Theories About What Motivates A Marketing Team

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs – which was conceptualised by Abraham Maslow – is a motivational theory in psychology. It consists of a five-tier model of human needs that is often shown as hierarchical levels within a pyramid.

From the bottom of the hierarchy upwards, these needs are:

  • Physiological,
  • Safety,
  • Love and belonging,
  • Esteem and self-actualisation.

Needs which are lower on down in the hierarchy must be satisfied before people can attend to needs higher up.

Maslow believed that deficiency and growth needs are similar to instincts. In addition, he felt that these play a major role in motivating behaviour. Physiological, security, social as well as esteem needs are deficiency needs. These needs arise because of deprivation. Satisfying these lower-level needs is important so as to avoid horrible feelings or consequences.

Maslow defined the highest level of the pyramid as ‘growth needs’. These needs do not stem from a shortage of something but rather from a desire to grow as a person.

Physiological Needs

These are biological needs for human survival, e.g. air, food, drink, shelter, clothing, warmth and sleep. If these requirements are not met, the body cannot function optimally. Maslow considered physiological needs as the most important because all the other needs become secondary until these needs are met.

Safety Needs

Finding a job, getting health insurance as well as health care, contributing money to a savings account, and moving into a safer neighbourhood are all examples of actions motivated by the security and safety needs.

Social Needs

The social needs in Maslow’s hierarchy encompass such things as love, acceptance as well as belonging. At this level of the pyramid, the need for emotional relationships drives human behaviour. Affiliation and having a sense of being part of the marketing team and company are examples of a sense of belonging. Examples include friendship, intimacy, trust as well as acceptance, receiving and giving affection and love. Affiliation – as well as being part of a group (family, friends, work) – are also included.

Esteem Needs

At the fourth tier in Maslow’s hierarchy is the requirement for appreciation as well as respect. When the requirements at the bottom three levels have been satisfied, the esteem requirements start to play a more noticeable role in motivating behaviour. At this point, it becomes increasingly important in order to gain the respect and appreciation of others. People have a need to accomplish things as well as to have their efforts recognised.

As well as the need for feelings of accomplishment as well as prestige, the esteem needs encompass such things as self-esteem and personal worth. This need may be fulfilled by openly acknowledging team members’ accomplishments, such as reaching a marketing target or praising them for overcoming a challenging task.

Self-Actualisation Needs

At the very top of Maslow’s hierarchy are the self-actualisation needs. People have a  need to achieve their full potential as human beings. Marketing managers can assist in their staff’s self-actualisation by working with each marketing team member to identify their personal goals and, where possible, working with them to develop a plan to reach those goals.

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