
The reason why social media is a crucial part of brand management

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The wave of social media isn’t ending anytime in the near future. This means that your business should take advantage of it if you want your organisation to survive.

With such phenomenal growth, every company today is required to leverage proper social media channels in the best possible manner. This is not because it’s the “in thing” nor because it sounds simple, but for the reason that their target audience is hanging around the popular social networks. And they’re engaging with their favourite brands as well as connecting with them on different levels.

By giving your business as well as brand the social media touch, you are not only generating more business but also connect with your customers better and serve them on a higher level. It actually makes your online marketing easier.

Social media boosts brand awareness

Social media is recognised to be a very powerful tool when it comes to increasing your brand awareness. There are organisations who dismiss it as a methodology that can be employed to build a brand. However, by doing this they are making the fundamental mistake they’re leaving the field open for competitors. Conversely, many reputable chief marketing officers are in agreement that social media has a definite positive impact on brand awareness.

Enhancing your brand awareness by using social media isn’t rocket science. Here are a few hints on how you can get this right.

Find Your Audience

Before you begin to focus on a specific social platform, discover if your target audience is actually on it. You can do this by looking for relevant conversations regarding your product or industry. For instance, a B2B company may find that their audience is on LinkedIn as opposed to Facebook.

Use Visuals

Once you have the knowledge of where your target audience is, it’s then time to grab their attention through using eye-catching visuals with your content. Images as well as videos play a huge role in assisting you with growing your brand awareness on social media channels. This is because they not only up engagement but also increase social shares.

Create Conversations

Social media is all about building conversations. If you make use of these social platforms for one-way communication, you’ll only attract so much attention. Instead, talk as well as listen. Become involved. Showcase your personality by taking part in conversations, tagging and mentioning others.

Measure Your Efforts

Don’t do anything in a vacuum. Make use of the tracking tools provided by the platforms (e.g. Facebook Page Insights) together with other external tools such as URL shorteners and Google Analytics in order to quantify your social media activity. Make use of the insights you gain to understand what’s working so that it is possible for you to optimise your efforts as well as build a stronger brand with social media.

Build Authority

If you want an increased engagement rate together with better brand awareness, work on building your authority by sharing tan value. Along with curated content, the content which you post should also have something original in it as it adds to your credibility.

Get in touch with the Digital School of Marketing

Want to learn more about social media in addition to how you can use it for your business? If so, then you need to do our Social Media Marketing Course. For more information, please follow this link.

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