Search Engine Optimisation Strategies For Entrepreneurs

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If you would like your online business to be effective, it’s a good idea to optimise your website on a regular basis in order to make sure that it’s got a good position in the web’s top search engines. And it’s very important to keep on top of the newest developments in the search engine industry as well as what key tactics you should – and shouldn’t – use to optimise your website in order to make sure it gets a high ranking with all the main search engines.

What Is SEO? Why Does It Matter?

SEO is the practice of guaranteeing that your website – as well as its content – is appealing to search engine algorithms. This often involves incorporating keywords into your written content, maintaining your website’s performance, and other associated techniques.

Optimising your content is required if you hope to get your website in the top results on search engines such as Google. This is able to drive new traffic to your organisation. The top Google search result attracts over 42% of traffic, the second result gets just about 12%, and the remainder of the results fall below 9%.

Effective SEO necessitates a careful balance. It’s very important to use the correct terms that allow search engines to know what your content is about, while not overloading your website content with keywords and making it unreadable.

What’s more, 51% of web traffic is ‘organic’. This means that visitors who find your site through online searches. Organic traffic, unlike paid advertising, is completely free. This makes SEO a cost-effective marketing method.

What Is On-Site Optimisation?

On-site optimisation is the process of editing several sections of the website in order to make them as readable as well as understandable by the search engines as possible. Search engines aren’t able to read pictures or flashy animation. They are only able to read the words on the page.

The key areas of optimisation are:

  • The title tag;
  • Description tag;
  • Heading tag; as well as
  • Website copy.

The title tag is the line which appears as the link which you click on in the actual search engine results page. This should begin with the main keyword that you are looking to optimise for. It should ideally contain no more than ten words in total.

The description tag is the description that appears underneath the title tag in the search engine results. Some individuals try to stuff this full of the website’s keywords, however the real usage is to convince individuals to click on the result. A nifty trick is to include the company telephone number – it adds credibility to the website.

The heading tag needs to be the first headline that the search engine sees on the page and needs to be contained in tags. This merely tells the search engine that the headline is the most crucial headline on the page. This should certainly include the main keyword for the website.

The website copy needs to incorporate the words that people will be typing into the search engines in order to find you. As an ideal ratio, a maximum of six keywords per page with the chief keywords being mentioned between three and six times per scroll of the screen. The optimum number of words per page is about 500.

Get in touch with the Digital School of Marketing

If you would like to learn more about search engine optimisation, then you need to do our SEO and Web Analytics Course. Follow this link to find out more.

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