How to Become an SEO Expert

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Would you like to learn how to increase your website traffic and achieve higher rankings for the keywords which could generate more sales and revenue for your website? If so, then you should learn everything there is to know about SEO and – as a result – become an SEO expert.

Having SEO expertise is not only the privilege of SEO professionals. It’s a skill which can be mastered by anyone who wishes to learn how to do SEO on their own. To become an expert, begin with the basics. It is necessary for you to have a good understanding of how audiences and search engines interact as well as what you can do in order to optimise content effectively.

Learning the basics of SEO boils down to three core components:

  • The types of content which users want, expect or need. It’s all about user intent at the core.
  • The inner workings of how search engines actually work.
  • The tools and techniques which are needed in order to optimise websites.

Without this type of background, you may be able to explain the “what” however, not the “why.”

The Difference Between Being An SEO Professional And An SEO Expert

It’s very important to have a good understanding of the difference between what an SEO expert is and an SEO professional is:

  • An SEO expert is someone who knows how SEO works and how to apply SEO in order to increase the rankings of a website in Search Engines.
  • An SEO professional is an SEO Expert who practices SEO as a profession either by doing SEO consulting, offering SEO services or – alternatively -taking clients on a project-by-project basis.

You don’t have to practise SEO as a profession in order to become an SEO expert. There are several different advantages as to why you need to improve your SEO skills even if you don’t plan to offer services to clients.

Build Your Own Websites

Once you thoroughly understand the basics of SEO, it’s high time to apply them. Most professionals will tell you that they learned the most by building websites and breaking things. Don’t just start out attempting to do SEO for big brands. Being by doing SEO for yourself. Create something. Whether it’s a blog, affiliate site or – alternatively -an app just start doing it for yourself and then hone your SEO skills that way:

  • Learn HTML. Learn all the metatags. Test.
  • Fiddle with the site content and then see how it manifests in SERPs.
  • Pick a topic that you’re into. That’ll make it easier to create content.

You want to spend more time building and optimising the content, not writing it.

Keep Up To Date

SEO is not a discipline which is static. SEO rules and algorithms are changing all the time – Google alone is making more than 250 changes to their ranking algorithms each and every single year. This means that good SEO experts need to know about these changes and adjust their SEO campaigns accordingly.

Get in touch with the Digital School of Marketing

Want to become an SEO expert? If you do then you need to study towards our SEO and Web Analytics Course. Follow this link to find out more

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