Why Speed Is Everything In Mobile Marketing? Learn more.

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Did you know that loading speed is considered a rather important ranking factor by Google, Bing, and other search engines? Seriously, even the most marginally sluggish websites are negatively ranked on the internet, and there’s a good reason for this. In fact, there are a number of reasons. Our lives have become so busy that we only really get the chance to browse the internet on our mobile devices while we’re out and about. Well over 50% of all internet traffic now comes from mobile sources, so ensuring that your marketing functions correctly on mobile devices is now more important than ever before in the history of the internet. Let’s take a look at a few reasons why speed is so important when it comes to marketing on mobile:

Save On PPC Advertising Costs

If you run any sort of pay-per-click advertising, you’ll know what we mean when we talk about your ad set quality score. Google and other PPC platforms have to decide who gets the first, second, and often third AD spots on the top of the search engine results pages (SERPs). PPC adverts linking to slow landing pages will be scored down when compared to similar website pages that are faster to load.

Satisfy Shrinking Attention Spans

We might not like it, but it has become a fact of modern life. Humanity’s average attention span has shrunk to below that of a goldfish. This is most disappointing considering that, before this revelation, people would make fun of goldfish for having tiny attention spans. Follow the 2-second rule when testing out and optimising your website page loading speed. If the page doesn’t load within 2 seconds, most of the people who clicked your link will hit the BACK button and visit the next website down.

Climb The Organic SERP Rankings

As of July 2018, mobile page speed has officially been a Google ranking factor. This means that if your website’s pages are sluggish on mobile devices, for whatever reasons beyond or within your control, your website won’t reach high organic SERP rankings. Google wants to give internet users the best, most convenient experiences – and slow websites are the opposite of convenient. Remember the 2-second rule above!

It’s also good to keep in mind that you shouldn’t optimise ONLY for mobile devices, as there are still going to be people who will do their internet activities on their work or home desktop/laptop. The trick is to find a balance between mobile and desktop, ensuring that you cater sufficiently for both.

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