
Why Is Your Brand So Much More Than Your Logo?

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Without well-thought-out and consistent branding – in addition to visual design – your product will lack the targeting that it needs in order to give your potential customers trust, as well as confidence, in your product.  Your product can be amazing and growing however ultimately it will be what your organisation stands for and projects which will help it speak to your customers in a way that no other company is able to.

Brands live within culture. This means that they are a reaction to us, our world and the things which are happening in it. That’s huge. A brand is so much more than merely a logo and a colour palette and not-terrible fonts.

We should be building brands that people are thrilled by and curious about, brands which they’ll rally around. We should be building brands which actually make a difference because that’s what humanity needs. Because every single little bit helps, whether it comes from a person or a brand. And because if you don’t, someone else will do it.

A Vital Part Of Building Your Business

The most critical pieces of growing and developing a business is branding. It’s how you are able to differentiate yourself from your competitors and stand out from the crowd. It’s what your customers feel when they are thinking of you and is the promise that you make to your customers. Your business’s success is dependent on how well you are fulfilling that promise.

Your brand is the precise blueprint of how you will show yourself to your customers. It’s the manual which tells you – and anyone in your organisation:

  • Who as well as what your company is from a design standpoint,
  • Who your customers are,
  • What your customers’ wants and requirements are, and
  • What the voice and tone of your digital marketing efforts and communication will look like.

Brands Thrive On Consistency And Clarity

Relationships don’t just happen overnight and they build over time. With continuous nurturing, a clear message as well as holding true to your business mission, relationships form and your brand becomes stronger and stronger. It takes a lot of hard work, attention your digital marketing strategy and dedication. Just filling in the blanks of the elements of a brand won’t necessarily create a relationship.

As information – as well as technology – become even more widely democratised, your organisation and brand will win or lose. Are you able to define who you are, who you are serving, and then consistently offer up solutions and community? If you answer ‘yes’ to these three questions, your brand and entire organisation will inevitably grow, win more market share and will also become a staple in your customers’ lives.

Get in touch with the Digital School of Marketing

If you’ve got learning about brand management on your radar then you should definitely do our Brand Management Course. Follow this link for more information.

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