What Is The Relationship Between Project And General Management?

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Project management can be defined as organising, planning, motivating, and controlling procedures, resources and protocols in order to achieve the particular goals of a specific project. A project is a temporary and time-constrained mission that is aimed at producing a specific result, product or a service. In addition, a project is also often constrained by funding as well as other resources.

The aim of project management is to utilise the limited time as well as resources and then to channel them towards achieving of the goal of the project in order to attain the optimum results that are beneficial and are of added value.

We define general management as managing available resources and their time spent towards accomplishing the financial goals or objectives of the organisation. This task usually includes organising, planning, staffing, leading, controlling or directing specific resources, time or people.

General management also includes the control of human, financial, technological or natural resources to the maximum benefit of the organisation.

As we can see, project management and general management overlap in many ways, but there are also significant differences, as you will see from the following:

What Are Their Separate Functions?

The management function involves creative problem-solving, motivating employees and making sure the organisation accomplishes their objectives and goals. There are five functions that management is responsible for carrying out, namely:

  1. Planning
  2. Organising
  3. Staffing
  4. Coordinating
  5. Controlling

These functions are on-going functions.

The project management function involves the discipline of initiating, planning, executing, controlling, and closing the work of a team with a view to achieving project goals and meeting project success criteria. These functions are limited to the duration of the project.

What Is Organisational Governance?

Organisational governance is often in the hands of the board of directors who makes decisions that must be filter down to the executive management team who in turn inform the management team of the goals and expectations.

Projects are typically governed by a straightforward management structure. For instance, the project manager is responsible for day-to-day direction, a senior IT executive integrates technology with business interests, and a business sponsor is accountable for ensuring that the deliverables align with business strategy. All of this is overseen by a steering committee that ensures the business interest is represented.

A project has its own objectives, activities, budgeted cost for each activity, outputs/ deliverables as well as a defined timeframe for completion. Usually, all these aspects are depicted in a project log frame. Project management has a lifespan of generally between three and five years

General management is focused more on corporate level deals with planning, organising, budgeting, supervising, implementing as well as evaluating the yearly action plan including progress of the project plan. General management deals in a broader aspect and may oversee several projects. This type of management continues with the organisational vision and mission for an indefinite period

Teamwork and professionalism is absolutely necessary in both project management and general management.

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Project management in the media is an essential skill. If you want to learn more about this then you should do our Project Management For The Media Course. Find out more here.

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