The differences between digital marketing and traditional marketing

DSM Digital School of Marketing- digital marketing and traditional marketing

It’s important to note that although traditional marketing is by no means dying, this route of advertising has decreased dramatically in popularity, especially with the massive increased activity on social media platforms.   Although the debate continues around which form of marketing yields higher results, there will always be a place for most types of traditional marketing.

So, why is there still hype surrounding digital marketing?  In a word – cost.  It’s a well-known fact that even the biggest digital marketing budget gets more punch for its buck.  Even small businesses are able to jump on the ‘digital marketing’ bandwagon and still manage to keep marketing costs down.

It’s fair to say that there are fundamental differences between digital marketing and traditional marketing, as well as a difference in the benefits of each marketing strategy. However, with this being said, business in today’s digital world simply will not thrive should they fail to invest time and money into developing a sound digital marketing strategy.

It’s highly recommended by marketers worldwide to invest in digital marketing courses for their employees so that they’re able to take their business into the future of digital marketing.

Digital marketing trends pique more interest

Since the dawn of time, keeping costs down has emerged as one of the major concerns of business owners and CEOs and digital marketing allows for a more cost-effective form of marketing.

Lower budgets means increased profits, so there’s little wonder why digital marketing trends pique more interest than traditional marketing channels.  And there’s the all-important factor of ‘brand’ and establishing a brand identity, which is easily achieved through implementing a solid digital marketing strategy as opposed the more expensive route of traditional marketing.

Keeping up with the latest trends

Because digital marketing is done online businesses are able to regularly take a look at what their competitors are doing in terms of digital marketing.  A huge bonus, right?  Digital marketing also allows marketers to keep up with the latest trends online, therefore remaining current.

In fact, in order to remain competitive organisations, have a real need to not only keep up with digital transformation but to also be pioneers with any new technological advances.  Being seen online isn’t just about securing your spot on the world wide web, it’s also about making your brand an online star.

Digital Marketing vs Traditional Marketing

Although traditional marketing has always been successful, studies have shown that traditional methods have taken a severe hit in the last decade. And thanks to the convenience of technology, consumers now favor digital devices instead of visiting physical shops. This means digital marketing campaigns have become more prevalent and efficient. Let’s take a moment to examine the pros and cons of each marketing method.

  • Pros and Cons of Traditional Marketing

The biggest advantage of traditional marketing is the familiarity it brings to potential customers. Because of its longevity, paging through adverts in magazines or seeing them on television are still something people do all the time.

But with the changing landscape of technology our world has become a lot smaller. And traditional marketing’s reach is limited to local audiences only.

Other disadvantages include…

  • Results of marketing efforts are not easy to measure.
  • It’s costly because updating basic information needs a new set of adverts to be printed or filmed.

It’s a static method of marketing because there is no way to interact with your audience.

  • Pros and Cons of Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing’s biggest advantage is that it gives businesses of every size the opportunity to access a large market at an affordable price. Unlike traditional marketing, it can be personalized to reach a specific audience in a cost effective and measurable way. This increases brand loyalty and drives online sales.

Other advantages include…

  • It has a global reach. Investing in a website allows you to expand your market globally.
  • Because everything is digital, updates and changes to advertising campaigns can be made instantly at little or no additional cost.
  • Thanks to analytics and other online metric tools the results of your marketing efforts can be easily tracked and measured.
  • Digital marketing gives you the opportunity to interact with your audience. A well managed social media presence will allow you to interact with your customers, which builds loyalty, trust and a good reputation for your brand.

However, digital marketing does have a minor disadvantage. Because it is a form of inbound marketing your customers need to find you. Brands create content for people to find through online searches. But there are a variety of ways for your audience to find you, like through organic online searches, a paid search, social media or by reading content that has been published online such as a blog or article.


Is there a role for traditional marketing to play in the future?

There can be no doubt that traditional marketing will always play a part in any overall marketing strategy, however considering the many advantages that digital marketing has to offer, more and more businesses will focus heavily on this popular form of marketing.

With traditional marketing most advertisers are kept in the dark when it comes to measuring the success of your marketing campaign.  This is a big downside as business needs to know the facts surrounding their marketing strategy.

Understanding the differences between traditional and digital marketing will help you develop your marketing strategy and which form of advertising best suits your brand.

Get in touch with the Digital School of Marketing

So, if you are interested in upskilling yourself in the latest digital marketing trends, please contact us at the Digital School of Marketing and inquire with one of our skilled course advisors. – looking forward to hearing from you.

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