How To Revamp Your Business’ Online Presence

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What does the term “online presence” take into account? It is the sum of everything which your current and potential customers and clients are able to find about your business on the Internet. These data points are, unfortunately, neglected more frequently than they should be, even though they require nothing more than a time investment as well as a systematic approach to building visibility. Everything is within your span of control.

As changes constantly sweep across social media, Google, as well as the content marketing world, your business’ online presence, must evolve. If it doesn’t, you risk receding into obscurity and stagnating with an out-of-touch website or a MySpace page.

For the most part, businesses aren’t maximising their online presence. Less than half of businesses advertise online, pay attention to Search Engine Optimisation, or have a social media presence. A total of 25% of small businesses don’t have a website at all.

Here are some tips for maximising your online presence.

Invest In Customer Persona Data

How well do you actually know your loyal customers? Do you have an idea of the kinds of customers that you’d like to reach but haven’t engaged with as strongly just yet?

Customer persona data could be one of your most important marketing investments. Effective user research may provide you with a better understanding of your target market’s wants as well as needs. In addition, this type of research and data can help you develop content which is more accurately targeted toward their interests and goals and understanding your place in your niche.

Questionnaires, surveys, usability tests as well as, and A/B testing are all able to offer extremely valuable insights into your target customers. Put together several customer personas utilising the data which you’ve gathered over time in order to regulate who your best customers are, how they spend their time online as well as  the best ways to reach them with efficient marketing campaigns.

Get A Website

Statistics report that more than 90% of consumers search for products/services online. This means that not having a website is a major oversight.

Start by working on it and understand that it shouldn’t be complex or fancy. A simple website with a few pages in order to showcase your work, contact information, a biography, testimonials, and a blog will be sufficient.

Optimise it in order to make sure that it loads quickly, is mobile friendly and easy on the eyes. It also needs to have updated information. Most importantly, you need to optimise your URLs. If you would like to take things a step further, consider making a mobile app.

Optimise Your Website’s Landing Page For Conversions

The main motivation behind revamping your online presence is to maximise conversions, turning a visitor to your website into a customer. Your landing page is – without a doubt – the most crucial part of this as the most website visitors only spend up to eight seconds before bailing on your landing page and then moving on to your competitor.

This means that your page must utilise the most effective design tactics possible in order to keep your visitor’s attention as well as readily satisfy their needs. Videos may increase conversions by 86% and a clear Call-to-Action button (like, “Buy Now!”) is similarly important, so consider implementing these elements onto your own page.

Get in touch with the Digital School of Marketing

If you want to learn how to maximise your online presence then you need to do our Digital Marketing Course. For more information, please follow this link.

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