
How can you push brand awareness?

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Brand awareness is how well your brand is known by target audiences. It pertains to every aspect of your brand in terms of reputation, look and feel as well as the tone of a brand. Brand awareness is crucial as it influences customers’ decision-making processes when differentiating between your brand and competing ones. It encourages repeat purchases, an increase in market share and ultimately boosts sales conversion rates.

The benefits of raising brand awareness far outweighs complacency for obvious reasons, especially when a company has grown from its Small to Medium Enterprise phase. It boosts customer loyalty and word of mouth digital marketing and it keeps your brand hyper-relevant and builds brand equity simultaneously.

Unfortunately, there are no “become famous quickly” brand awareness strategies out there but ongoing efforts might make your brand a household name.

Elevating your Brand awareness

Paid social media advertising

Social media advertisements are still relatively cheap and will help your brand to be seen on these platforms. While customer conversions might not be immediate, the familiarity with your brand will guide more and more traffic to your point of sale. A consistent social media marketing strategy doesn’t have to consume your entire marketing budget in order to create band awareness.

Traditional media

Though this is a more expensive option, consumers tend to trust traditional media. One can argue print and radio has suffered a major decline in audience figures but it nonetheless offers the most concentrated target audience reaches than any other media. Niche publications are especially valuable when creating brand awareness.

Search Engine Optimisation

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is the process of attracting organic reaches to increase traffic to your website. This is done by creating content such as blog posts and in the HTML coding of your website. Google, Yahoo, Bing and the rest of the major search engines all ‘rate’ your website based on user experience, information accuracy and relevance, keyword placement, content relevance, to only name a few elements on the criteria. This practice awards your website with a domain authority valued between 1 and 99. The higher the domain authority, the higher your website will rank when users Google your product or service.

Create partnerships

Depending on your business, strategic partnerships can be a highly effective way to boost brand awareness. Is there a non-competitive company in your vicinity to partner up with to so that you can endorse each other’s brands? Even Coca-Cola still sponsors local radio stations’ top 10 music shows. Consider alcoholic beverage Jägermeister’s role in pop culture these days with strategic brand placement in the international music scene and blockbuster Hollywood films.

This does not mean your SME must start sponsoring major films or bands but is there a local sports team or business chamber within your community which you can sponsor or join? Partnerships can be an inexpensive manner of creating brand awareness and it fosters mutually beneficial relationships.

Use your logo

An impressive logo should be top priority when you first start out and be sure to make it visible. If the logo is there and ready to use. Include it in all your marketing material, email signatures, website pages, stationery and corporate gifts.

Pushing your brand awareness should be an everyday priority. A well put together brand should be the pride of every company and wear it with confidence to create trust and increase your company’s visibility.

Get in touch with the Digital School of Marketing

To discover more about how to promote your brand and become the brand manager for your company, have a look at the Digital School of Marketing’s Brand Management Course today.

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