How Can You Develop A Personality For Your Brand?

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Marketing a brand used to be a lot easier. A logo, a catchy slogan, and a useful product or service was all you needed to start generating leads and making sales. Today, with markets completely saturated with competitors duelling for market share, brands need more than just a pretty face – they need personality. Take a look at what a brand personality is, a few types of common brand personalities as well as helpful tips which can help you find a unique brand personality for your business:

What’s A Brand Personality?

You can look at someone walking towards you, and maybe guess at what their personality might be like. But you’ll only know what they’re like when you hear them start talking and you watch how they act. A brand’s personality is the business’s human component, and it is communicated through the marketing and advertising that business participates in. Garnering a solid brand personality effectively brings a brand to life, by giving it human characteristics that followers as well as fans can relate to on a personal level.

Types Of Brand Personalities

According to social psychologist, Jennifer Aaker, most brand personalities fit into five categories, each with their own personality traits and strengths:

  • Sophistication

    Brands that develop a sophisticated personality are refined, charming, high-class brands. They talk as well as act in a way which makes their followers feel elegant and classy. Think of brands like Mercedes-Benz, Armani, Tiffany’s, etc.

  • Competence

    This brand personality drives home their reliability and intelligence, leaving followers with peace of mind that the brand is capable of handling the issues faced by their audiences. Think of brands like Volkswagen, Tiger Wheel & Tyre, Protex, etc.

  • Ruggedness

    These brands cater to those not afraid of getting dirt under their nails. Customers feel empowered and more connected to nature and the outdoors. Think of brands like Harley Davidson, Jeep, First Ascent, etc.

  • Excitement

    Brands embodying an exciting brand personality will push the boundaries, in a playful way, to show their daring, trendy nature – while building hype among their followers. Think of brands like Virgin Active, Nando’s, etc.


  • Sincerity

Brands of this nature find it easy to garner trust among followers. They are seen as genuine, wholesome, and honest. These brands keep their promises and meet the expectations of their customers. Think Cadbury, Hallmark, etc.

Finding Your Brand’s Voice

  1. Do Your Research

    You want your brand personality to stand out, so start by assessing your competitors and looking at what their personalities are. Next, write down a list of single adjectives that describe your brand. Try and come up with no less than 10.

  2. Draw Your Character

    Next, you want to develop a persona for your brand. Use the adjectives from step one, and your imagination, to sketch what your brand would look like if they were a real person (you might need some help from a graphic designer).

  3. Keep It Consistent

The above activities will serve to concretely establish a personality for your brand, but that’s half of the work. Followers don’t want to see brands that flip-flop from humour one day, to seriousness the next, to sincerity the next. Keep your brand personality consistent.

Connecting with target markets in today’s hyper-competitive business environment takes a human-centric approach.

Get in touch with the Digital School of Marketing

Discover branding fundamentals and effective ways to build rock-solid brands, with an accredited Digital Brand Management course from DSM. Got another marketing career you’re interested in? Contact us and we’ll help you find the perfect qualification for your specific goals!

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