4 Entrepreneurship Lessons Which ill Help You Grow In 2021

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What does entrepreneurship look like in 2021? With working from home becoming as normal as going into the office, more and more people are realising that being their own boss is not only possible – it’s pretty easy. When shops shut their doors, it is the entrepreneur that is there to offer shoppers alternative means of procuring the things they need. So, what does entrepreneurship look like in 2021, and are there a few lessons from last year to carry with us for better growth? Let’s take a look:

1. Customer Needs Are Important

One thing entrepreneurs are going to see in 2021 is that the needs of your customers are fundamentally what drive your business decisions. This applies to both your existing and potential customers. Entrepreneurs are lucky in that it becomes easier to pivot as your client needs change instead of large organisations. In 2021, put the customer first in everything you do, and make sure that what you are doing is making a difference and fulfilling an important need or desire.


2. Look After The Time You Have

A 2020 Mexican study revealed that well over three-quarters of Mexican entrepreneurs worked over 50 hours a week, leading to high-stress levels and lower productivity. One can understand why this was, as it happened to be an unprecedented year in human history. If nothing else, 2020 has taught us this: our time is critically valuable to us, and if we don’t do it now, we might not have a chance to do it later. Entrepreneurs should make the most of their time in 2021.

3. Establish Supportive Networks

How large was your network of industry contacts going into 2020, and what does it look like now? During times of social upheaval and limited interaction between one another, many people lose touch with those they would otherwise have remained in contact with. Shops will close; entrepreneurs will throw in their towels. However, when supportive networks are established within communities of professionals, professionals can call on assistance before giving up.


4. Keep The Motivation Levels Up

2020 wasn’t the greatest year in living memory history – we think that everyone will agree. What did it do to your motivation levels and those of your staff? Was it motivating to take on the challenges that the pandemic threw your way, or was it easier to look on the dull side of things as things were pretty dull? Refuse to let 2021 be a repeat of last year by keeping motivation high – come what may. This will help you to see silver linings in every situation and keep you on your path to success.

If one embraces digital transformation this year and ensures that the above four considerations are kept in focus throughout, there is no doubt that 2021 will be a year of entrepreneurial growth!

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