It’s often said the Internet is more measurable as opposed to any other medium. However, trying to actually understand what’s being measured and translate the various types of measurement into a coherent whole which could very well make your head spin.
A lot of websites are fixated on what their Web analytics packages – such as Google Analytics and Ominiture – tell them. They look at stats regarding:
- “Page views,”
- “Visits”, as well as
- “Unique visitors”.
They then measure their progress in terms of how much traffic increases over time. In addition, they may look at “engagement” stats such as “time on site” and “page views per visit” in order to glean how much people are enjoying the website after they come in for their visit.
A Vital Part Of A Marketing Plan
Web analytics are an absolutely vital part of any digital marketing plan. Analysing your website’s traffic – and then finding ways to improve on it – is the name of the game. These analytics that are tracked give you the opportunity you to measure important information such as sales and conversions, clicks in addition to page views. You will be able to use web analytics applications in order to tailor your website’s content in order to make it exceptionally more attractive to your visitors or the type of people who you want to visit your site.
Most organisations invest a lot of money into the design (or redesign) of their websites. The websites are usually expected in order to perform a significant business function which justifies their cost — and even their existence. Therefore, no website is complete until you’ve included some sort of tracking code. Generally, these codes become integrated into the HTML pages right before launch.
A Lot Of Information
Tracking systems give you the opportunity to see not only where users are coming from geographically (which is always interesting) but these also can tell you what kind of browsers and computer systems they are using as well as what pages users spend most of their time on.
This is vital information for user interface design decisions. For instance, if the website analytics show that there is a significant drop-off on the payment confirmation page, you could have a design problem which is adversely affecting sales conversions. By looking at the website analytics on an on-going basis, you are able to spot trends and are better informed about where to invest in site upgrades.
Website analytics give you the actual reports and analytics about how your website visitors behave once on your site; who they are by their age, gender as well as location; how they landed on your website (traffic source); the most popular content that is on your site; your total conversions; and so on. With this valuable information in hand, you are able to plan fully informed business strategies and grow your business faster.
Get in touch with the Digital School of Marketing
Learning more about web analytics is a super important part of digital marketing. If you would like to discover additional information about web analytics then you should do our SEO and Web Analytics Course. Follow this link for more information.
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