What is an algorithm?

DSM Digital School of Marketing- Algorithms

Can you imagine a world without search engines helping us to find what we want on the Internet? We sure can’t! Everyone else out there can’t either. According to the latest figures which have been released, there are 2 trillion daily searchers which are done on Google.

We’re not in the business of repetition, but in one of our previous blogs, we defined algorithms as “the process of finding specific solutions to a specific problem. Or we could say the algorithm is a mythical formula for getting things done; we could call it the wizard’s spell for the modern ages, and a definite recipe for success.”

Understanding Algorithms

Algorithms can be used for computing, data processing, searching or sorting throughout every area of IT. They are the building blocks our digital world stands on. There are different algorithms, but they achieve the same thing through varying costs and time. Therefore, you choose the algorithm for your needs.

Types of algorithms

According to How Stuff Works, a computer algorithm allows you to tell your computer what to do and how to do it. A search engine algorithm takes keywords and operators as input, searches the associated databases for relevant web pages, and returns results.

Put another way, in order to ascertain relevance, search engines make use of algorithms. This term refers to a process or formula through which information that is stored is recovered and organised in ways which are meaningful.

These search engine algorithms have passed through many changes over the years to improve the quality of the results that a search engine returns. Google adjust their algorithm adjustments every single day. Some of these updates are merely minor quality tweaks. However, others are core/broad algorithm updates which are deployed to tackle a specific issue. For example, Penguin was deployed in order to tackle link spam.

Why do algorithms change so frequently?

Google’s aim when they make algorithm adjustments is to improve overall quality of our search experience. If your website suffered after an algorithm adjustment, compare it against Google’s Quality Guidelines or Search Quality Rater Guidelines. Both of these documents are very telling in terms of what search engines want.

Algorithms have changed our world

From the convenience of being able to search for anything you want to know at any time, to using algorithms to build your business – algorithms shape our world. Some experts even believe that soon we won’t be able to control the algorithms we create. Controlling or not, we believe that algorithms play a big part in our day-to-day lives and will continue to do so.

Get in touch with the Digital School of Marketing

As the world of digital marketing becomes increasingly crowded day by day, so the requirement to optimise your site becomes important. Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and Web Analytics is not a luxury but an absolute necessity.

DSM’s SEO and Web Analytics Course will instruct you in the finer details of what it takes for your website to reach the number one spot on search engine results pages. If you have a passion for digital marketing, statistics and technical knowledge of websites then this course is for you!

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