
How Can Enterprise SEO Maximise Traditional Marketing ROI?

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Today’s marketing strategies centre on digital content. And SEO As audiences across demographics rely so heavily on online engagement, that focus has merit. However, enterprise brands and organisations which really want to stand apart from the rest also need to recognise the important role which traditional marketing still plays.

With this in mind, one of the most important questions that an enterprise company can ask is, “Where do digital and traditional marketing meet up as well as how can one boost the other?” The answer lies in how consumers interrelate with traditional media such as television or radio ads.

When traditional marketing and SEO approaches are intertwined for enterprises, the customer’s journey becomes a robust experience which carries your brand from one part of the marketing funnel to the next. Enterprise organisations are able to leverage this journey in order to bolster traditional and digital marketing efforts, enhance brand recognition, connect as well as strengthen the consumer experience, and ultimately drive ROI.

How Consumers Interact With Brands

Today’s consumers interact with brands in ways which are tricky to pin down. From gaining consciousness of a brand via social media, through getting a “thank you for your purchase” email after a lucrative transaction, there are often many and varied steps in between.

This isn’t something which you can assume or predict founded on your internal perspective. A customer journey is very particular to the physical experiences that your customers have. Thus, the best way in order to understand the journeys of your customers is by asking them.

A customer journey map is a visual account of the procedure a customer or prospect goes through in order to attain a goal with your company. With the assistance of a customer journey map, you are able to get a sense of your customers’ motivations — their needs as well as pain points.

However, just understanding the customer journey isn’t usually enough. It’s best to visualise it into a diagram that you as well as other employees are able to refer to as a resource. This is where a customer journey map should come into the picture.

Getting To Know The Customer Journey Well Is About Fostering The Customer Experience

So frequently, when customers buy a product or service, they’re expecting that a pleasant feeling will go with the purchase. There is a feeling of contentment, or a “high” that people get from finding something which they want, going through the process of buying it, and finally, enjoying what they bought.

Customers see this experience – the ease or hassle of it – even if you’re not consciously mapping out as well as planning the experience that they will have. Unfortunately, if you’re not paying attention – or trying to understand the customer mindset – you could be selling your brand short. If the customer has an exasperating experience while shopping in your shop (couldn’t discover the product, the employees was rude, etc.), this matters and also goes into the full sum that she will correlate with your brand.

If the customer would like to purchase the product again, she may think about going to a competitor’s store where the staff is welcoming or the shop is better organised. And she may say negative things about your brand or store, using word of mouth in order to recommend that people shop elsewhere.

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