Why Is An Outward-Looking Mindset Crucial For Mobile Marketing?

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How many working internet-connected devices do you have in your home? Most houses will have at least a few smartphones, at least one laptop, and maybe even a tablet or two. Human internet connectivity has become vastly more mobile in recent years, which is why many digital marketing thought-leaders are placing heavy emphasis on the importance of mobile marketing as the defining marketing trend that will define the post-pandemic “next normal”. So, with that in mind, what is an outward-looking mindset in marketing, and why is it so crucial when it comes to mobile marketing?

The Times Are A’changing

When we talk about an outward-looking mindset, we can argue that it refers to two ways of thinking. The first is looking outwards as an early-warning system for marketing challenges. If we know what industry disruptions are shaping up, we can prepare for them better – and possibly even leverage them. The Covid-19 pandemic has demonstrated to us that change is unavoidable and often devastating. An outward-looking approach enables us to “keep our fingers on the pulse” of the marketplace at all times.

The People Are Changing Too

The second definition of an outward-looking mindset could be that mobile marketers should be focusing on their customers – not on themselves as marketers. Consumer behaviour influences everything in the marketing industry. If you’re only catching on to a trend now that consumers are already bored of, you’re wasting your time. This is why an outward-looking approach, or a consumer-centric approach, is considered vital for future mobile marketing efforts.

The Future Is Definitely Mobile

Remember that old-school 3D shooter computer game called DOOM? You used to have to play it on a desktop computer – complete with beige keyboard, analogue mouse, tube screen, and tower. Recently, with computer technology having come so far, someone was able to install and play the original DOOM game on an LCD-screen pregnancy test. Well over 50% (and climbing) of internet traffic now comes from mobile devices, which is a sure sign that consumers are going to be glued to their phones and tablets for a long time to come.

Sometimes marketing trends take shape through human influence, and other times trends emerge or are accelerated due to reasons beyond our control. Mobile marketing is one of these trends that is going to define the future of marketing, and businesses that advertise across mobile channels are going to reap the rewards of staying forward-thinking and outward-looking.

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