What Tasks Do Managers Need To Carry Out? Find out more.

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Management is the process of ensuring that an organisation or company is able to operate in both the immediate and near future. Management is an art in addition to a science. It is the art of making people more effective than they would have been without you. The science is in how you do that.

Managers are expected to perform various tasks in the context of their business functions. These tasks would include:

  • Decision making
  • Communication
  • Trust building
  • Coordination
  • Motivation
  • Delegation
  • Discipline
  • Evaluation

What Are Managerial Roles?

Roles are organised sets of behaviours and managers exhibit three types of managerial roles:

  • Interpersonal
  • Informational
  • Decisional

When in an interpersonal role, a role that occupies most of a manager’s time, most managers are creating, building and maintaining relationships both inside and outside the organisation.

A manager is in the role of a figurehead they have the responsibility of entertaining visitors or representing the organisation at an important function. In addition, a manager is in the role of a leader when hiring, training, advancing, dismissing and motivating employees.

A manager is in the role of a liaison as he/she is responsible for maintaining good relations within and outside the organisation. When in a decisional role, managers work at developing interpersonal relations as well as using available information for the organisation’s gain.

What Skills Does A Manager Need?

The execution of the management process depends on whether or not the manager has the right skills. As in all jobs, there are skills that managers are required to have. These can be categorised under three types:

  • Technical Skills – This is the ability to use tools, procedures, and techniques of a specialised field. The managerial requirement of technical skills is to accomplish the mechanics of a particular job. As you progress through your management career, these technical skills will be used less and less.
  • Interpersonal (Human) Skills – Having the ability to work with, understand and motivate other people, individuals or teams/groups.
  • Conceptual Skills – This is the mental ability to coordinate and integrate all of the organisation’s interests and activities. Managers need to possess the ability to see the organisation as a whole and how its parts depend on each other. Also, managers need to realise how a change in one part may affect the whole organisation. They can see and offer options/alternatives in addition strategic thinking.

Using Management Skills at Various Organisational Levels

Though management is found at all levels and in all functions within an organisation, each level and role requires different skills for performing the management task.

The major difference between non-managers (workers) and managers is the change in focus from the technical skills side of the job to the human (interpersonal) and conceptual skills side. New managers often mistakenly rely on technical skills when motivating employees and building teams, rather than on the interpersonal skills needed to do the motivation and team building.

Being a great manager is a fundamental skill that every marketing department needs to have in order to succeed.

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