What Digital Marketing Skills Can Do for Your Company

Equipped To Be Social Media Manager

In our article a couple of weeks ago, entitled Why Upskilling Your Staff On Digital Marketing Is Crucial, we outlined a number of digital marketing skills that are essential to have in your company. In this article we look at why training your staff in digital marketing is so crucial.

When you upskill your employees in digital marketing, your company will become more disruptive and dynamic than ever before. You will be able to take on rivals and prove your competency in a marketplace that is becoming tougher and more competitive by the day.

The corporate work environment has changed beyond recognition with a forward-thinking C-suite at the helm. Nine-to-five is fading rapidly. Staff are always connected wherever they are and many work from home.

Online shopping is exploding. According to Statista.com, in 2017 an estimated 1.66 billion consumers, worldwide, made online purchases. This same authority estimates, by 2021, that e-commerce’s share of total global retails sales will be 17.5%. Consumers’ purchasing behaviour is changing – it’s moving online – so to remain competitive you need to make sure that your company has a rock-solid digital marketing strategy.

Upskilling in digital marketing is the route to go

The new range of digital marketing skills

It makes sense, then, when productivity is on the up thanks to the new, smart way of working, that digital marketing is becoming de rigueur as the new way of advertising. The smart guys at the top will know the importance of upskilling, bestowing on their staff a wider range of professional skills using new ways of communicating as the answer.

These skills are something that can be considered as CPD (Continuing Professional Development) and ensure that staff remain competent, viable and retainable in the new era. Rather than taking on specialists in the field of digital marketing, it makes sense to train staff with the best digital marketing courses available. This will hasten their career growth in an environment that they are already familiar with.

Digital transformation in the corporate work environment is essential

This is if that company is to retain any form of relevance. There is a known digital skills shortage worldwide that has seen the demand for trained, skilled professionals increase. Some companies are really feeling the pinch with the digital revolution seemingly suddenly thrust upon them and are playing catch-up as fast as they can. The fact is that their lack of skills in this area is negatively targeting their progress. Bringing in specialists to solve the problem is costly and is not always a quick-fix.

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HR also needs upskilling in digital marketing

Corporate Digital marketers in house, who have been upskilled in the ways of digital marketing strategy, are always the best route. These people know the business and they also have a knowledge of the client base. That’s a great start in anyone’s books. Within the corporate work environment framework, HR must also be upskilled to become well versed in the digital marketing scenario to be on hand should problems arise among this skillset. In the instance where additional digital marketers would need to be added, whoever is charged with hiring also needs upskilling in this department to ensure that the correct talent is employed.

Hiring is proving to be difficult with some companies as the hirers are unsure (if they are not upskilled) of what technical and strategic assets to be on the lookout for. This has proven quite detrimental in that unsuitable staff have been taken on. Many companies, therefore, are now looking inwards and upskilling the staff who are there.

Learning is an ongoing process

The secret to success is that the learning process should be ongoing as new skills and other disruptive forces hit the digital environment. The great digital machine that has started turning continues to churn on at a rapid pace as technologies and methodologies advance. There’s just no stopping the skills that are needed now and will be needed soon.

The need for correct training on an appropriate digital marketing course, then, is of the essence. It is interesting to note that many employees interested in marketing will only join a company that offers digital marketing training. Employers are taking note and upskilling is at the top of the list. Others that have not heeded the cry will fall into the abyss of irrelevance.

For everyone, the Zero Moment of Truth has arrived.

Get in touch with the Digital School of Marketing

Want to become a social media expert and be a top digital marketer? The Digital School of Marketing’s Digital Marketing Course us the best for you to achieve your ambitions! DSM is also an internationally endorsed member of the CPD services body of the United Kingdom so your course is internationally transferable and endorsed! Follow this link to learn more.

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