What are the pillars of a digital marketing strategy

DSM Digital School Of Marketing - digital marketing strategy

A survey which was conducted by the Online Marketing Institute made the finding that many digital marketing agencies and do not have employees who have the necessary skills to realise digital marketing success. Through the process of evaluating the digital marketing skills that an organisation should have, in addition to comparing them to the business’ actual internal strengths, the research was able to evaluate the gaps between the necessary skill versus what can actually be attained.

The following eight skills were deemed to be the basis for digital marketing (the numbers in brackets indicate the percentage gap, or the talent gap, as calculated by the organiser of study):

  • Analytics (37%),
  • Mobile Marketing (29%),
  • Email Marketing (27%),
  • Content Marketing (27%),
  • Social Media (27%),
  • Marketing Automation (24%),
  • Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) (19%), as well as
  • Digital Advertising (12%)

If you’re playing in B2B marketing space, you should be accustomed to these skills. After all, these digital marketing skills are also the pillars of B2B marketing. In addition, these can have a tremendous impact on marketing’s contribution to sales.

An extremely effective channel

With nearly half of the world population making use of the Internet, digital marketing is most definitely the best as well as the most effective channel you can make use of to reach out to your potential customers as well as clients.

More businesses are turning to the alternative of not just making their brand known to the public but largely to drive traffic to their website. Thanks to social media marketing, it is much easier today to create high-quality links which assist with boosting your search engine ranking. All in all, for all this to work in your favour, you will need to learn about the best social media tool you should use

The pillars of digital marketing strategy

Below is a list of the four pillars of a digital marketing strategy.

  1. Content

In a message-rich as well as stimulating environment, people  have difficulty in focusing. As a consequence, we look for information which is free from marketing promotion. In addition, with the information that we seek out we push to meet our needs and wants or to be entertained.

Quality content fulfils this purpose. Even better than this, content marketing is responsible for attracting a targeted audience. Search robots will provide context for your marketing message.

  1. Communication

Communication is an essential pillar of digital marketing because it provides a outlet for your message.

Digital messages can be produced in three ways:

  1. One-to-Many Communications: Data goes in one direction from the marketer to the audience as in traditional advertising.
  2. One-to-One Communications: Data goes from one person or company to a particular person. One-to-one communications are targeted and an example of this type of communication is how we communicate with our friends, family as well as colleagues.
  3. Many-to-Many Communications: Data goes in a number of directions, simultaneously, in an open system. It’s about people talking at the same time. This method of communications is at the core of social media. It is unique to digital marketing.


  1. Community

 Communities are at the very core of digital marketing. Through digital platforms such as social media and connected devices, companies can engage with their prospective audience in order to overcome objections as well as mitigate problems.

  1. Commerce

Regardless of the place in which the purchase is made, a lot of shopping begins online. In fact, over 40% of shoppers begin their buying research with Amazon. This means that in order for you to enter the consideration set give prospects, customers as well as their purchase influencers with the basic types of content customers actively seek: product detail, customer questions, how to, customer stories, customer fit.

Get in touch with the Digital School of Marketing

Want to learn more about digital marketing strategy in addition to other aspects of digital marketing? If you do then you should really check out our Advanced Digital Marketing Course. For more information, please follow this link.

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