How To Utilise Storytelling In Digital Marketing To Transform Your Business

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Have you heard digital marketing analysts talk about making use of more informal ways to market products as well as services? Perhaps one which involves creative narratives as opposed to line-by-line scripts? Chances are good that you have, and it’s called brand storytelling.

Brand storytelling has been around for years; however its popularity is skyrocketing as digital marketing overtakes its print-form predecessor. Storytelling in digital marketing focuses on the needs of a fast-paced society in which people cut through the fluff and look to receive information faster.

Storytelling is an art. As an organisation, when you tell a story about your values, products or – alternatively – solutions, it paints a picture and gives your audience the opportunity to connect with your business. When your audience hears a related story or comparable anecdote to their real-life experiences, they are intrigued and create a connection with your brand.

Storytelling not only enhances the perception of your brand however when executed correctly can actually impact your business. A total of 62% of B2B marketers rated storytelling as an effective content marketing tactic.

What Are The Elements of Digital Storytelling?

Here is a list of the important elements of digital storytelling. If you aren’t 100% sure where to get started, use this list to assist with guiding you:

  • Point of View: What is the chief takeaway as well as the perspective of the story?
  • A Dramatic Question: What is the main question which will hold the viewer’s attention during the story?
  • Emotional Content: What are the serious issues which connect the audience with your story and make sure that it comes alive?
  • The Gift of Voice: How are you able to personify the story in order to help the audience better understand the context?
  • The Power of the Soundtrack: How are you able to you support or elaborate on the story with music or other sounds?
  • Economy: How can you effectively utilise the best content with the best value without overloading the viewer?
  • Pacing: How are you able to change the rhythm of the story in order to affect the way viewers react to the content?

What Is The Value Of Brand Storytelling?

Brands storytelling is a way to utilise your content in order to tell the narrative of the business as well as drive a really compelling story to convince as well as convert your audience.

Customers rarely care about the what you sell, or the how you sell. They’re far more interested in the narrative as well as 0the story behind why you sell. This is why it’s so important – through your content marketing – to take customers on that journey with you, to bring them through correctly through to conversion.

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