
How To Use Marketing And CRM Automation Together

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While customer relationship management (CRM) and marketing automation software may seem similar, they provide different functions and serve separate purposes, and the two types of software are even more effective when they are used together.

While customer relationship management (CRM) and marketing automation software may seem similar, they provide different functions and serve separate purposes, and the two types of software are even more effective when they are used together. Read on to learn what CRM and marketing automation are, how they work and why your small business should integrate these systems.

Marketing Vs CRM Software

While CRM and marketing are definitely related, these two aspects are not the same thing. The process of marketing is where your company invites prospects in order to try your products or services as well as raising awareness of your brand.

Marketing can be split into two main categories:

  • Outbound Marketing

This consists of traditional commercials as well as advertising which broadcasts your brand message to prospects. Inbound marketing is the process of putting together content in order to attract customers to your brand through the process of responding to their concerns before they are ready to buy.

  • Inbound Marketing

This focuses on starting prospects down the sales funnel through the process of offering free information in return for a conversion. This is done using a lead magnet.

While many of the methods of reaching customers during marketing campaigns are the same ones that are used for CRM, the different focus points of marketing and CRM are different. These methodologies may consist of email marketing, social media marketing, content marketing, PPC ads or – alternatively – broadcast ads.

CRM is how you organise your prospects’ information so that you are better able to manage them. In particular, your CRM software should:

  • Enable your company to structure as well as plan optimal interaction with prospects as well as clients.
  • Harbour and organise information on your prospects which is gathered from all of your marketing campaigns.
  • Manage the methods as well as the scheduling of client interactions by way of email, social media, text messaging, phone calls, or meetings.
  • Let you determine which clients are the highest priority in addition to how and when to approach them.
  • Stop prospects from slipping through the cracks and assist to cement your existing relationships.

Why Coordinate CRM And Marketing

While the aims for marketing and CRM are distinct, the relationships which begin with your marketing programme continue with CRM. It is possible for you to learn a lot about your prospects through their responses to marketing campaigns. This can then be applied to your CRM and assist you to interact with them going forward.

At the end of the day, marketing and CRM work in collaboration to build the foundation which you need to earn a customer’s trust. In addition, when you bring your CRM and marketing automation together the following happens:

There Is Less Of A Probability You Will Miss A Prospect

Marketing automation gathers and sorts through inquiries. As opposed to missing an inquiry from a prospect, they can instantly be sent a pertinent reply. The reply can be much more targeted as opposed to a generic ‘we’ll get back with you’ message. You are able to immediately grab their attention with your responsiveness, and it can all be done in an automatic fashion.

There Is Less Of A Probability That You Will Lose A Prospect

If you don’t automate your CRM, there is a good chance you will lose prospects along the way. They could slip through the cracks or may not be getting a suitable follow-up. Utilising marketing automation keeps you in contact with prospects until they make the decision that they’re no longer a prospect or until they grow into a customer.

It Makes You More Effective

Small business entrepreneurs are expected to be a jack of all trades. They are the ship’s captain however they may have to occasionally swab the deck or grab an oar. By automating your CRM, you are able to spend more of your time doing what you like to do and the things you are probably good at.

Get in touch with the Digital School of Marketing

Learning how sales and marketing work together is an integral part of any business. Learn more about this relationship with our Sales and Digital Marketing Course. To find out more about this incredible course, please follow this link.

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