How To Build Brand Authenticity

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In the digital age which are living in, when we are overloaded with information as well as advertising, the real things that we strive for are brand authenticity and honesty. Being able to find a quality product or service is already not sufficient. We are looking for sincere and clear experiences. We want to feel great about the brands which we choose and associate with.

A staggering total of 90% of consumers say authenticity is super important when choosing which brands they like and want to support. Authenticity is a crucial deciding factor in brand choice for Millennials. For Generation X and Baby Boomers, it’s also important.

The modern customer is smart. They are also tech-savvy as well as research-oriented. Today, consumers are able to observe you, even when the spotlight is not on. What they really crave is a genuine, credible, trustworthy and authentic experience in this hyper-connected virtual world.

What Makes A Brand Authentic?

Brand authenticity is difficult to define, but you know it when you feel it. When you trust a brand and consistently choose it over others—knowing that this is the brand you want to do business with—that is the result of brand authenticity.

And it is built over time, with hard work and patience. It involves truly understanding your customers’ values and delivering on them. Brand authenticity is what really drives revenue, as customers are more emotional as opposed to logical.

Brand authenticity isn’t just a nice-to-have – it makes financial sense too. This is because emotionally connected’ consumers are worth a whopping 52% more to a business than merely ‘highly satisfied’ customers. This is the reason why brands are falling over themselves so that they turn up on social media, which is the ultimate playground for consumers looking for authentic brand stories.

Yet, as you very well know, it’s not just enough only show up. It’s about thinking long-term and building on those all-important emotional connections. If you create emotion, your consumers will really start to respond.

The Best Way Of Building Brand Authenticity

Brand authenticity is not merely a fancy term for being honest.  It is a marketing trend and it’s probably not going anywhere soon.  Your customers are aware — they want to know everything about the service they’re paying for. They want to be 100% sure that they can trust you. They want to see if you stand for what they stand for.

Unfortunately, there’s a brand authenticity deficit in the global marketplace at the moment. Not all brands keep to the promises which they make. In addition, not all communicate honestly and not enough so that they place the customer’s interests above their own. Brands in the Top 100 List of brand have maintained – as well as improved – the quality of their products over course of years.

Years pass and many businesses can get lost in the day-to-day routine and forget why they actually started their company in the first place. Get back to your roots. Remember what your main purpose as a business is, what your values are, in addition to what you stand for.

Studies show that highly successful brands have their own clear mission and purpose in order to support the products or services which they sell. If you would like to keep in step with the times, you should be building up (or maybe finding again) the basis of your brand goals and intentions.

In addition, you should also  see what matters to your business, to your target market as well as to your audience. It makes building trust and loyalty a very simple task. And being authentic – and also telling your stories about your growth and challenges as a brand – will be the next logical step that you need to take.

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