How Managers Should Be Communicating In Their Organisations

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Every individual needs to communicate in one or the other way. It takes many forms such as writing, speaking and listening. The hard facts are that managers, however skilled, need to learn some basic rules to get the message across, clearly.

Communication is the lifeblood of every single company and its effective use helps to build a proper chain of authority and improve relationships in the organisation. About 50% of a manager’s time is spent in generating information. So the importance of developing skills in interpersonal communication is crucial.

Individual Vs Organisational Communication: What’s The Difference?

While understanding the importance of communication, one needs to be clear regarding the difference between individual communication and organisational communication. Communication in the organisation takes place through individuals. There is a vast difference in the manner in which personal – communications and organisational – communications are carried out.

There is a sequence which needs to be followed in organisational communication. It is:

  • Skilled,
  • Chair bound,
  • Pre-determined, and
  • Continuous

In order to communicate well, one needs to know the frames of reference to be able to assess other people so as to pass information and build a relationship.

What Process Should Communication Follow?

Communication is a process which involves the transfer of information and behavioural inputs. It is the transfer of information from a sender to a receiver with the information being understood by the receiver. It is a function by which organised activity is unified.

It is looked upon as a means by which social inputs are fed into social systems, a means by which behaviour is changed, modifications are effected and information is made productive in a manner such as to achieve goals. It is absolutely essential, whether it be in a family, in a temple, in an army cantonment or in a business unit.

What Is The Goal Of Communication?

The aim of communication is to convey information as well as the understanding of that information from one individual or group to an alternative individual or group. This communication process is divided into three fundamental components:

  1. A sender conveys a message,
  2. Through a channel,
  3. To the receiver.

The sender initially develops an idea, which is composed of a message and it is then sent to the other party, who interprets the message and then receives meaning. Information theorists have added a somewhat more complicated language:

  • Forming a message is known as encoding.
  • Interpreting the message is known as decoding.

What Is The Feedback Cycle?

The other important feature of communication is the feedback cycle. When two individuals interact, communication is rarely one-way only. When a person receives a message, he or she responds to it by giving a reply. If Not, the sender can’t know if the other parties have properly interpreted the message or how they reacted to it.

Feedback is particularly significant to managers as a supervisor has to know how subordinates respond to directives and plans. The manager is also required to know how work is progressing and how employees feel about the general work situation.

Communicating Is A Two-Way Process

In organisations, one communicates to get the things done, pass on and obtain information, reach decisions and achieve a joint understanding. The sender needs to formulate a message so that it is understandable to the receiver in both written and oral communication.

It is therefore important to plan the message, state the underlying assumptions and apply the generally accepted rules for effective writing and speaking. The greater the integrity, as well as consistency of written, oral and nonverbal messages, is – in addition to the moral behaviour of the sender – the greater is the acceptance of the message by the receiver.

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