How Email Marketing Can Create A Better CX?

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If you think email marketing is going to die a slow death in 2021, you’re sorely mistaken. In fact, email marketing still offers some of the best conversion rates and ROI of any digital marketing activity! However, this article isn’t about conversions or returns on investment. On the contrary, this article deals with how emailing carefully curated content to your customers can actually assist with facilitating a superior general customer experience. You want your customers to have good experiences every time they engage with your brand, and email marketing is one way to make this a reality. Here’s how:

CX Defined

CX stands for “customer experience”, just like UX stands for “user experience”. The customer’s experience, in the context of marketing, is a culmination of the quality of all facets of customer/brand interaction. In other words, CX is the experience your customers have whenever they are dealing with your staff, browsing your website, or reading your email marketing messages. All brands should be striving to improve their CX across the board, as customers are the lifeblood of any business.

Email Marketing 2.0

The first email marketing iterations were bulk mails sent to large databases of email addresses. This convergence of traditional and digital marketing meant that customers could receive messages from brands directly to their personal computers. However, the dissemination of these messages was still done in a traditional fashion (cast a wide net and hope to catch something). Email marketing is still relevant today, but marketers have had to up their game substantially. Email marketing 2.0 is characterised by greater database segmentation and personalisation, which allows marketers to create bespoke messages specifically for certain target audience members in their list.

Email Marketing And CX

  • Offering Value Through Content

    Content marketing and email marketing converge in an effort to provide better value and an overall superb customer experience. Marketers can share quality content with their email database segments, which will add value and give them a reason to read the email marketing message.

  • Easier Subscription Process

    Email marketing 2.0 is also characterised by incentives to register and giving the recipient complete control. All marketing emails now must include an OPT-OUT link clearly visible. When signing up for newsletters, customers are often given free gifts (like ebooks, checklists, PDFs) in exchange for their information.

  • Messaging Automation

    There are certain times and days that customers really don’t want to be bombarded with marketing messages. Monday mornings are a good example. Before, customers that wanted to interact with brands would have to wait for physical people to respond to their enquiries via email. Automation has taken email marketing to greater heights of efficiency, where emails can be sent out automatically – and responses can be pre-loaded so that customers are responded to immediately.

Email isn’t dead! While we might be able to use our instant messaging apps for more and more branded content consumption, South Africans are still heavily reliant on email services.

Get in touch with the Digital School of Marketing

Learn the best way of leveraging the immense power of email marketing, seeing what it takes to ensure your emails don’t end up in your clients’ spam folders, with our comprehensive Advanced Digital Marketing course. So, is 2021 going to be YOUR year or what?

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