How can AI help your digital marketing efforts

DSM Digital School of Marketing - AI

The digitalisation of marketing has been moving at a rapid pace.  Since the boom of social media, pay-per-click, and SEO, you may well be wondering “what’s the next big thing?”  And you’d be quite right to be wondering about the next ‘big’ thing, as digital marketing is constantly reshaping, readjusting and re-evaluating its methods.

You’ve more than likely heard the term ‘artificial intelligence’ or AI, as it’s commonly known. No, this term has nothing to do with NASA, or the like, artificial intelligence is the use of machines, monthly computer programmes to assist with many online tasks on behalf of a business or organisation.  However, the most beneficial and exciting aspect of AI is the many advantages it’s having on digital marketing proficiency.  AI is simply making life much easier and more efficient for the digital marketer.  AI is also awesome news, and perhaps even a business saver, for the small business as it has the capability to instantly impress your audience and save you a lot of time when it comes to daily manual digital marketing tasks.

For this reason alone, and besides wanting to upskill yourself in digital marketing, it’s highly worthwhile to complete a digital marketing course so you’re up to date with the latest technological advances with digital marketing.

Artificial intelligence is transforming digital marketing

Just the way social media and Google have revolutionised all aspects of digital marketing so too is artificial intelligence revolutionising everything ‘digital’.  This remarkable innovation is fast becoming a daily part of our online lives – and we’re loving it.  As savvy online consumers are becoming more and more demanding and the mountain of online competition for their business increases, AI will absolutely transform your digital marketing efforts.

Great news, right?  Absolutely, as AI is making lives easier and more digital marketers are depending on AI technology tools to automate their online processes and reduce manual tasks.  Therefore, freeing up valuable time to perfect your digital marketing campaigns.

How can AI help your digital marketing efforts?

Besides the many time-saving advantages of AI technology, there’s a whole lot of other ways AI can help your marketing efforts.  You’ll soon learn that AI can offer your business not only smarter digital marketing capabilities but also cost-effective advertising solutions.

AI can help you target the right audience through penetrating massive amounts of data in seconds.  AI can segment this data into categories such as age, gender, demographics, etc.

What do AI capabilities look like?

AI is currently having a massive positive impact on digital marketing and it’s set to only increase its capabilities.  Each year brings many new possibilities in the exciting world of digital marketing, especially where AI is concerned.

So, how can AI help your digital marketing efforts?

  • Increased cybersecurity – The security of your online business activity has become crucial as hackers and cyberattacks are increasing at an alarming rate. AI is capable of tracking all unusual movements and alerts are issued.
  • Chatbots – Chatbots have revolutionised digital marketing and you’ve no doubt come across a chatbot recently. Chatbots are finding multiple applications in all areas of digital marketing, which is set to increase dramatically in the area of online messaging.
  • Interactive marketing – Continual engagement has never been more important. And the more the better. Interactive content such as polls or online quizzes are a popular form of communication and will become even more so in 2020.
  • Data collection and interpretation – Business intelligence is vital to a business’s digital marketing efforts and AI combined with BI (business intelligence) has the ability to dramatically improve your customer service management. Real-time customer assistance has become non-negotiable as more online consumers opt for instant communication online and aren’t prepared to wait for a response to their online query.
  • Easier website building – Before the advent of clever AI, most companies would require the expert services of a website builder, who would normally have experience in HTML coding, etc. This is no longer the case as AI has effortlessly transformed website building and even the layman is now able to create an up to date, stunning website for their business.

Get in touch with the Digital School of Marketing

DSM is the only college to offer accredited education in the digital arena. We are accredited by the MICT SETA. We invite you to visit our website so that you can see how we can help you supercharge your career!

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