Do I need to Send Out an Email Newsletter?

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In a ‘Q&A -Thursday’ episode regarding email lists on Neil Patel’s YouTube channel, one viewer asked whether e-mail marketing still works. Patel, one of the world’s leading online marketers, replied that, “businesses still revolve around email and if business still use it, you can bet that if you get an email in their inbox and they read it, you can generate sales.”

Furthermore, Gmail Ads are growing in revenue. More and more people are leveraging Gmail Ads just because it is so obvious that emails are still powerful. Pia Silva, partner and brand strategist at Worstofall Design, wrote in an article for Forbes that a digital marketer who is successful knows that quality email marketing is still one of the best tools available for digital marketing. This is especially for service-based businesses.

Whether or not to send email newsletters

What if people really hate email newsletters?

There is still a large percentage of people who hate email newsletters that clutter up their  inbox. This makes them miss the important emails and, worse, may cause them to delete the ones that they need. Once your newsletter is marked as spam, it’ll be tough to reach the same audience with new optimism for it. Here are a few tips to help keep that from happening.

For starters, make use of the KISS principle. In other words, apply the following principle top your emails Keep. It. Short. (&) Simple. Instead of piling up paragraphs that can make the opening of an email overwhelming, rather use short sentences to lead readers to links on your website. This way you’ll be able to lure audiences to your website where they can surf so much more than just the full article.

Second, it’s important to keep your newsletter consistent. It’ll help to establish a standard by which you write articles, use the same themes and colours. Place elements in routine spots that help to promote clicks.

What are the first things readers see?

Here, it is important to elevate all visual elements of your e-mail newsletter. It’s good to start with optimising the preview pane. The reason for this is that the top 200-300 pixels of the message is what’s visible to onlookers. If that space is taken up by an image or banner, people might miss your message. Use this space to promote content with its headlines.

Create a table of content in your newsletter that’ll help to promote your current top five articles in each newsletter. Use anchors that’ll link to the text. This will let people to briefly scan the articles in your newsletter.

Talking about links, you should use them well by staying clear of “click here” buttons. This is because it takes a reader’s attention away from what they’re reading and focuses it more on the mechanics of the mouse. It’s more advisable to use language that call for action like “read more”, or “donate” or “learn more”. Here is a good example.

Get in touch with the Digital School of Marketing

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