
Digital Marketing For SMEs – How To Thrive In 2021

DSM Digital School of Marketing - SMEs

Digital marketing is now a fundamental part of any business’s growth as well as potential. Get it right and you’re well on your way, however getting it wrong results in wasted budget, time, resources in addition – of course – the opportunity.

Right now there are plenty of digital marketing methods being implemented with clients unsure of what questions to ask or if the results are actually good. There is plenty of mystery around what digital marketing truly is and the jargon and buzzwords surrounding the function doesn’t help. While some programmes seek to increase digital marketing literacy, it is very important to continue to educate and ensure all SMEs and start-ups have the adequate resources to reach their audiences effectively.

Digital marketing technologies which will assist you with keeping long-term business goals in mind is key in terms of creating a business marketing plan which can assist your small/new arrival business grow in 2021. 0

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, individuals are being advised to stay indoors and safe. Thus, there is a massive demand for digital marketing. For an upsurge in your sales channel, there are many digital marketing companies and experts in the market who assist growth in small/new business. Digital marketing strategies assist you in fixing your position in the market as well as keep on growing in your brand identity. Digital marketing strategies will help you to stand out from the plethora of competition.

Actionable Insights To Apply To Your Digital Marketing Now

The majority of businesses are focused on using digital marketing for brand awareness. We found that 65% of businesses surveyed make use of digital marketing for generating brand awareness as well as reach and lead generation. Email sign-ups is the second-biggest focus for business with 53%, and 41% of businesses use online channels to drive purchases.

When it comes down to paid advertising, Google and Facebook lead the way in terms of performance. We’re seeing a mixed performance from LinkedIn at the moment, but as they begin to roll out new advertising features and increase in popularity, we’re noticing B2B businesses especially giving far more attention to this platform as a paid advertising channel.

When it comes to challenges, not surprisingly with start-ups and SMBs, time, tactical knowledge and consistency seem to be the downfalls. In addition to this, all the algorithmic changes, platform and best-practice updates and new feature rollouts, it starts to become a bit tricky to stay on top of things, especially when resources are stretched and the budget is tight. We see many smaller businesses dropping the ball and losing the consistency required to keep an engaged and active audience.

With the oversaturation of social feeds, users today are demanding higher quality content and creativity. Without a full-suite, in-house marketing team this high-calibre level of content can be difficult to produce week-in-week-out.

Get in touch with the Digital School of Marketing

Want to become a digital marketing guru? If you do then you need to do our Advanced Digital Marketing Course. Follow this link to find out more.

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