How B2B Companies can Benefit form Digital Marketing

DSM Digital school of Marketing - B2B

It’s true that businesses which sell products and services to other businesses (B2B) might not always see the value in online or digital marketing. And rightfully so. Most of these business owners feel that they will be wasting money by advertising on a platform like Facebook or Instagram as they only target a handful of decision makers and not the masses.

The truth is that B2B companies can still very much so benefit from digital marketing. They just need a well-thought out and creative digital marketing strategy that can help ensure the best bang for buck. Below are a few ways digital marketing can help B2B companies grow their market share.

B2B Digital Marketing


Most business owners and business professional already have LinkedIn profiles. However, somehow it slips their mind that so do all the key decisions makers they are trying to target. With that said, a free way would be to search for specific job titles on LinkedIn and then connecting with these decision makers. If you do not want to connect with them, at the very least ask them to point you in the right direction.


Ideally as a business owner you might not have the time to sit on LinkedIn the whole day connecting with potential prospects. This is where advertising on LinkedIn comes into play. Because LinkedIn has so much data on its users – for example, company name, job title, age, gender, work experience, etc. – you can run ads according to these specific targeting options.  Are you looking to target people within a specific company or who have a specific job title? Then LinkedIn is the platform to utilise.


If you don’t have a website already for your business then we highly recommend you build one ASAP. The reason for this is because it is usually the first thing your target decision maker looks at before engaging with you or one of your sales reps.

On top of that, search engine optimisation (SEO) will play a crucial role. At some point someone might want to search for your product or service. It is your responsibility to you ensure your website pops up when they do. Having a strong SEO will assist in driving more organic (free) leads for your business. This means that it is a crucial cog in your digital marketing strategy.

DSM Digital school of Marketing - B2B


It is true that not everyone might benefit from a creative e-mail marketing strategy. However, if you can answer yes to one of the following questions then an e-mail marketing campaign might be something to consider:

  1. Do you sometimes need to explain your product or service more than once?

If yes, then sending a sequence of e-mails to your existing or potential customer base around how to get the most value out of your product or service might not be a bad idea.

  1. Do you sell a monthly product or service? For example a subscription of some sorts?

E-mail marketing in this case is great as you can update your existing customers about new features, tools or ideas. This will make them less likely to cancel your service.

  1. Do you already have an e-mail list?

If you have an existing list of customers then we suggest you experiment with an e-mail marketing campaign. We’ve found it to be a great way to stay top of mind while assisting in enticing the sale.


Lastly, don’t forget about normal search ads on platforms like Google. You will be surprised in learning how many people might actually be searching for your product or service. With that said, a good idea might be to start bidding on those keywords which will in turn showcase your brand and services. Even if the monthly search volume is low, it is essential to ensure that you do not lose out on any opportunities to grow your market share.

Get in touch with the Digital School of Marketing

Our Digital Marketing Course will give you the underpinning knowledge to grow yourself within the digital marketing field. This digital marketing certificate provides a solid platform to assist any business operating within the digital marketing sphere.  For more information, follow this link.

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