Does Your Startup Need Public Relations? Find out more.

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There’s a long and short answer for every question you can think of, including the one found in the title of this blog article. If a startup is hoping to launch their brand into the public eye as quickly and efficiently as possible, then yes – PR is pretty important. It goes beyond simply uploading the odd social media post, or sending out your yearly Christmas mailer to the emails in your database. Let’s take a look at why public relations is a good idea to consider for a newly-launched company:

Launching The Brand

What good does having the world’s most amazing logo if nobody sees it? Establishing a company from the ground up is only half the work – building your brand is where it really gets challenging. You might think you know your brand well, but the general public might not see what you see – or like what you like. From a very early stage in development, startups should partner with professional public relations professionals. This will help ensure that your company’s brand is being publically portrayed in the best way possible.

Connecting With Audiences

A brand isn’t built internally. It’s formed in the minds and hearts of those who encounter the company’s public relations activities. Traditional PR tools were one-way communiqués, where the recipients were unable to message back to the organisation. Modern information communication technologies have facilitated two-way communication, like having instant messaging conversations on social media. Startups today need to establish strong connections with audience members from the start.

Building Brand Credibility

Getting into regular communication with media representatives early on is an important public relations tactic to start garnering brand credibility. What the thought-leaders of your industry think about you is just as important as what the general public thinks. If a brand reaches industry leaders where they hang out, say, in specific industry magazines, this could go a long way to establishing a name for itself. The best-case scenario is if you can get the journalist’s brand buy-in too, which wouldn’t hurt the tone of the editorial you’re placing.

Establishing Thought Leadership

Knowing when, where, why, how, and what to communicate with audiences gives a startup a keen advantage over sans-PR competitors. Thoroughly-researched topics of interest that resonate with readers can be shared across communication channels, educating audiences about the company’s profession and industry. Those who have the answers to people’s questions, and who are breaking ground in their industry, are considered thought-leaders and therefore receive more consumer attention.

Get in touch with the Digital School of Marketing

Our Digital Public Relations course is a comprehensive public relations qualification that prepares you for the world of building positive relations between brands and their audiences. Topics covered, among others, include stakeholder relationship management, content creation, media relations, and creating public relations plans.

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