
Content marketing trends to watch in 2019

PRESS OFFICE: Google’s number one priority has always been to deliver searchers relevant content. For example, a web page that is optimised for the search phrase, “What are the best coffee shops in Johannesburg?” would be ranked higher than one optimised for “best coffee shops, Johannesburg”. This is because the first term is more likely to be entered by a user than the second as it mimics natural speech and thought patterns. As such, Google is making sure they deliver more helpful content to the user.

Google’s algorithm updates and content marketing

The updates that Google has done to their search algorithms means that content marketers and copywriters need to change the way that they produce content so that it responds well to Google’s requirements and ultimately contributes to getting your content climbing up the Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs).

Make your content useful

The visitors to your website need to come away with a tangible benefit that they see as having value  and contributing to their lives. For example, they must have learned something from a blog post that you’ve written or gained knowledge from reading about your products.

Your content must be relevant

If your content doesn’t respond to your target user or it isn’t packed with pertinent information, your users will navigate away from your website. Keep their interest for longer by packing your web pages full of facts and be meticulous about your research. Make sure that you use sources that you can trust as if a reader can poke holes in your content they won’t trust that you can deliver quality products and/or services.

The user experience matters

The content must be arranged in a way that is easily accessible to them. When a reader lands on your home page, they must find exactly what they are looking for. This means that the user experience of your site needs to be top notch and you need to have the journey – that you want the visitor to take throughout your site – plotted out in your mind. Remember that if the user doesn’t find what they are looking for very quickly they will be very quick to navigate away from you.

Having great content on your website is the best foundation that you can have to draw in visitors to your site and keep them there. If you take these tips on board, you’ll be well on your way to making sure that this happens.

The Digital School of Marketing is an online provider of accredited digital marketing education. To find out more, visit our website on www.digitalschoolofmarketing.co.za. call us on 0861 428 710 or e-mail: info@digitalschoolofmarketing.co.za.