How To Put Together A Great Design

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Graphic design is an extremely sought-after skill. People care about the way that things look. There is a constant requirement to produce good designs, whether it’s for advertisements, websites, logos, videos, banners, social media, product design or – alternatively – web content. You have to build an eye for what design decisions improve your work and what detracts from your message.

If you’re putting together videos for social media or designing invitations for a forthcoming event, the application of graphic design is broad and versatile. From font pairing and scale down to alignment and white space, the aspects of the design world are intricate.

Let these epic design tips help you through the pits – as well as the peaks – of the creative process.

Start Projects With Google

Amazing ideas are never created in a vacuum. In other words, if you do not look at what people did in the past, it’s difficult to do something a lot better in the future.

Before Internet, smart graphic designers solved this problem with design “look-books”. These were essentially large catalogues that contained hundreds of design pieces gathered from around the world, normally classified by type of work (brochure, poster, interactive, etc.).

Thanks to Google, doing design research has never been easier in the history of human kind. Today, designers use Google. It’s faster, cheaper and works like a charm.

Always Begin With The User

Either it is a client or an entire team that you’re meeting with, when working on a new graphic design project, you need to have a pen and paper to take notes. You cannot start without understanding the people you are designing for. Ask questions, discover what their needs, motivations and fears are.

Focus On Alignment.

Alignment is one of the most crucial design principles. It helps ensure a sharp, well-ordered appearance for ultimately better designs by making sure your various elements of design have a pleasant connection with each other. Centre, right, or left-aligned text is the most common however you can also go for asymmetry and align text with other objects in your graphic. If something looks not quite right in your design, verify your alignment.

Limit Your Typefaces

When choosing a typeface or font for headings, subtitles and body text, utilise easy-to-read fonts for straightforward and effective graphic design. The eye finds it difficult to scan multiple typefaces, so make sure that you stick to a simple collection of fonts.

Follow The Right People

Some graphic designers and companies are like news reporters for graphic design or – alternatively – they generate newsworthy stuff themselves. In order to stay on top of events and get a never-ending source of inspiration, you need to follow people who are defining and adjusting the design landscape today.

Think More And Design Less

Projects come and go. You will fail some and win at many others. Knowing the best way to balance and understand yourself in the creative process is key. Overstressing with the idea of failing will not be productive or healthy in the long term.

Whenever you are feeling overwhelmed with a complex task that you don’t know how to resolve it yet, just do this:

  • Question Everything. Go and gather the team. Ask questions until you find the core cause of the problem. We strongly recommend the Five Whys Method, by Taiichi Ohno who established Toyota Industries.
  • Make Sure Developers Have No Limitations About The Implementation Of The Solution. There is nothing more annoying than designing something and ultimately find out that it can’t be done.
  • Research And Ask For Help. As always either you like it or not, there are people who are better than you at some skills, as you are better than others at other types of skills. That’s ok. Speak with other designers, see how they tackle the problem, wireframe a lot, and then go to your team to see what they think.
  • Finally, Begin Ideating. Now that you have a clear view and gathered all the requirements, it is time for the fun part. Open up Sketch, Figma or Xd and start your designing. Just trust yourself and enjoy the process. You will succeed.

Become A Graphic Designer With The Digital School of Marketing

Do you want to become a graphic designer? If you do then you should sign up for our Advanced Graphic Design Course. Follow this link for more information.

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