
Why You Have To Know About The Art Of Storytelling

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Storytelling is an ancient art (as well as part science) which is dealt with in a lot of different domains, from the study of ancient cultures to movie-making, fiction-writing in addition to branding. However, it has never been ‘hotter’ than it is today.

The principles and success factors to storytelling are closely related to word-of-mouth marketing, social-sharing, social media marketing in general, brand perception in addition to the very essence of content marketing.

The most inspirational stories are those that are massively shared and find a place in our collective consciousness to live on forever. Can you achieve this same level of depth when ‘telling stories’ for content marketing or other purposes?

Storytelling all starts with understanding what makes people truly passionate, generating a great story and last, but certainly not least, being able to understand why people share content and stories to begin with.

How To Make Use Of Storytelling

We know that we are able to turn on our brains better if we listen to stories. The yet unanswered question is: Why is this? Why does the layout of a story, where events evolve one after the other have such a profound impact on our learning?

The answer is that we are wired that way. A story, if broken down into its simplest form, is a connection of cause and effect. And that is exactly how we think.

What Questions Should One Ask In A Content Marketing Context?

  • What is the story as well as narrative behind everything that you do as a brand, ranging from what you are standing for to the reason why you decided to develop a solution X or support a certain cause Y?
  • How can you uncover that story which is part of your brand – and even people’s DNA – as opposed to merely just the facts?
  • How do you truly connect with people in the language which they understand best: the language they can “visualise” in a story-like context? And – still further – how do you ‘create’ the stories which will cause a change in behaviour or a change of perception?

What Are The Elements Of A Good Story?


Is it the correct moment to tell this story? Is your audience searching for the information now? This is especially true if your content is seasonal or time specific. For example, don’t publish stories about budgeting if your audience is focused on tax time.


It’s rare to have a ‘one-size-fits-all’ story. Make it relevant to the audience you’re trying to reach. If you’re marketing to multiple audiences or buyer personas, think about how you can create stories to appeal to a specific segment.


If you really want to cut through, come up with a new angle for your stories. This is why fractured fairy tales are so popular – an unexpected twist on the old familiar is always appreciated by the reader.


One thing fiction writers know is there has to be some sort of conflict to tell a story. Where is the conflict in your story? What makes it interesting?


No one wants to be friends with your brand. They do, however, get very interested in the human element surrounding your brand. Give a human face to your stories and you’ll have a lot more success.

Get in touch with the Digital School of Marketing

Storytelling is an integral part of digital marketing success. Find out more about what it takes to become successful, in the digital marketing space, with our Advanced Digital Marketing Course. Find out more here.

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