What Makes A Brand Truly Visionary?

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The term ‘brand vision’ refers to the ideas behind a brand that assists with guiding the future. When the brand vision clicks, it reflects as well as supports the company strategy, differentiates from competitors, resonates with customers, energizes and inspires employees and partners, and precipitates a gush of ideas for marketing programs. When absent or superficial, the brand will drift aimlessly and marketing programmes are likely to be inconsistent as well as ineffective.

Putting together a brand vision which meets these requirements is a fantastic start to success. However, just remember that your brand vision implies a promise to your customers and a commitment by the organisation. It cannot be merely a tick-box exercise in wishful thinking but, rather, it needs to have substance behind it.

Is Your Brand Vision Really Feasible?

This is given the organisational limitations, resource demands in addition to the competitive dynamics.

The answer comes from an evaluation of proof points in addition to strategic imperatives. Proof points come from existing capabilities and programmes that enable the organisation to deliver the promise of each brand vision element as well as its associated value proposition.

The employee compensation system, in addition to hiring and training programmes, are proof points that the customer doesn’t see. Proof points have to be leveraged however if they are weak or missing altogether a strategic imperative is required. A tactical imperative is a strategic investment in assets, skills, programmes or individuals.

It’s crucial if the customer promise is to be delivered upon. However delivering on a strategic imperative might necessitates significant investment or – alternatively – a change in culture. Consider the following scenario: For a regional bank brand which aspires to have a complete customer relationship, a strategic imperative could be to equip each customer contact person with access to all of the customer’s accounts with the bank.

In another scenario, for a premium audio equipment brand that aspires to be a technological leader, strategic imperatives could include an expanded R&D programme and improved manufacturing quality. For a value sub-brand for a household cleaning product, a strategic imperative might be to develop a cost culture.

How To Build A Visionary Marketing Campaign

For an effective marketing campaign, that creativity is bolstered as well as upheld by perceptive planning. In fact, it’s part of the creative process. Here’s how it works.


Pay quite close attention to who your customers are and what their needs, interests, preferences and motivations might be. Appeal to their reasoning by stepping into their shoes and getting a well-rounded sense of who they really are. In essence, you’ve got to speak their language. Marketing campaigns must give your audience a very good reason to respond and act.


The difference between above- and below-the-line marketing has become less defined now that we work with a whole 360 degree spectrum of online, offline and now inline marketing (where consumers increasingly engage with brands through social media channels). What remains constant, however, is the inspirational ideas at the heart of all successful marketing operations. A strong concept will transcend all platforms, while poor ideas lead to ineffective communication and wasted budgets.


All material associated with your marketing campaign must be engaging, consistent and concise, with one resounding call-to-action. Getting this bit right is imperative: using good strategists, designers and copywriters will guarantee that all your messaging is totally on point, every time.

Get in touch with the Digital School of Marketing

Do you want to become a branding expert? If you do then you need to do our Brand Management Course. Follow this link to find out more.

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