How To Improve Your Organisation’s Efficiency by Learning Project Management

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The worldwide workforce has changed and, with it, the requirements of both employers as well as employees. In a remote working world, it’s extremely important to streamline communication in addition to keeping projects on task. Approximately, 88% of remote employees reported to be experiencing erratic leadership and miscommunications with other teams. For small businesses which are working with small margins, that’s concerning.

Leading a team – it doesn’t matter if it consists of 10 team members or 100 – is never straightforward. Grouping different types of individuals with different temperaments may often lead to clashes, miscommunication and may impact the workplace productivity.

So much so that it may very well drive you crazy. However, if handled with a little bit of tact, you are able to make your team accomplish great professional goals. Getting them on exactly the same page is a different thing however making them work in unison – in order to achieve a common goal – is a no small feat.

No matter how valuable your team is, there are always some ways in which you can be incorporated to take workplace productivity to a whole new level.

How to Put Together a High-Performing Project Team

Project managers are only as popular as their projects’ outcomes, which often significantly depends on the quality of the team.

In general, projects benefit from appropriate planning and execution. The first step needs to be to appreciate all the stakeholders as well as inform them of the project’s scope and benefits in order to obtain their buy-in. Next, adopt a project charter to define the objectives, budget, scope and involved parties. Then, define all roles and responsibilities, including the project manager’s authority.

Keep communication flowing both ways through providing status updates targeted to each stakeholder’s needs and interests, as well as soliciting feedback. Identify gatekeepers who may stand between you and the person you need to work with to ensure project success. Find out how each stakeholder prefers to receive his or her communication, whether it is in a memo, meeting, spreadsheet, email or a phone call.

Finally, break big projects down into manageable components, so they aren’t too overwhelming.

Tools To Improve Your Organisation’s Efficiency by Learning Project Management

Slack is fun, visual, cool, colourful, and pretty quick and easy to set up and start using. Why would you use it? Well for anyone who starts receiving lots of daily emails, think upward of 50 to 200 or more. You will have probably already come to the conclusion that there needs to be something more effective than inefficiently trawling through your past emails to try and find what you’re looking for. Slack aims to more efficiently group relevant conversation threads, with the option to add relevant artefacts (images, screenshots, attachments etc). It’s an evolving product, free for smaller groups of users, and a paid service for larger projects, but it is definitely something worth considering.

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